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Articles By chris carter

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Oil Investment In Today's Market    Submitted as: John Tang
It’s black, dirty and a part of almost every topic on TV or in the newspaper. It is not pollution although some cannot talk about it without talking about pollution. The subject is oil and these days, oil investment is looked on with the same disdain as oil itself. While the oil economy has become so huge that it boggles the imagination, oil investment itself should be considered by traders as a big opportunity for them as well.(read entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Business

About Sem    Submitted as: Larry Tang
It’s always tough to create a team, a team of people who can communicate and identify opportunities as well as deliver promises. Employee turnover is one of the major issues at any company. So, how do you find the right kind of staff to create your Search Engine Department?(read entire article)
View : 399 Times
Category : Search Engine Optimization

Some Cost Elements In Systems Furniture    Submitted as: John Tang
New or expanding businesses – and those planning workplace renovations – make decisions on how to build out and furnish their facilities. “First cost and lifetime cost are two key elements in the decision-making process,” says Mark Bassil, co-founder and vice president of MAiSPACE, a Mt. Olive, NJ, based manufacturer of modular office furniture systems. “First cost at first glance would seem easy to define(read entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business

Asia Oil Commodity Tradng Exchanges    Submitted as: Larry Tang
When you think of commodities in Asia what do you think of? Do you think of the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) and its Gold contract? Or do you think of the Greasy Wool futures of the Sydney Futures Exchange? Perhaps you may even think of Oman Crude Oil of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME). Have you ever heard of the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) of India or The Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET) or how about the DaLian Commodity Exchange (DCE) in China?(read entire article)
View : 315 Times
Category : Environment

How To Invest And Make Good Money Off Rising Oil Prices    Submitted as: John Tang
The price of oil continues to soar as the demand is obviously way more than the supply. Developing countries like China and India have increased their demand for oil supply to support their massive growth rate. Developed countries like the United States and Japan also increase their demand for oil supply to maintain day to day operating needs. The overall growth in population also have led to the rising need for oil supply.(read entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Business

Crafting Rfps For Systems Furniture    Submitted as: John Tang
When doing the homework prior to furnishing new, renovated or expanded workplaces with systems furniture, office designers and facility managers find they are both blessed and cursed with vendor choices. “Doing a ‘systems furniture’ search will yield a daunting number of returns,” says Mark Bassil, vice president and co-founder of MAiSPACE, a Mt. Olive NJ-based manufacturer of modular office furniture systems.(read entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Business

What Is Offshore Investments?    Submitted as: John Tang
Investing offshore means taking on investment strategies that cash in the investment advantages that are available outside the investor’s home country. Therefore, offshore investments are investments made outside the local jurisdiction. They are most often made in tax havens that are less regulated than the local jurisdiction and business legislation.(read entire article)
View : 238 Times
Category : Business

Learn About Commodity Trading    Submitted as: Larry Tang
Have you ever heard investors mention speculating in futures of the commodity market and wondered what it they are talking about? While most of us are familiar with investing in stocks, commodities can be an interesting way to have your money make money for you. But first, you might ask what is a commodity? commodities are goods we are each one portion is the same as the other. For examplee, oil is a commodity because one barrel of oil is the same as the next. Wheat is also a commodity each bushel of wheat is identical to every other bushel of wheat and anyone purchasing them could care less whether they get bushel number one or bushel number two. Gold is another example of a commodity. 1 ounce of gold is the same as the next.(read entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Environment

Systems Furniture: A Study In Design Evolution    Submitted as: Larry Tang
As the “father of the cubicle,” designer Robert Propst in 1968 was on to a good idea when he created what was called at the time the Action Office system for Herman Miller. It was the world's first open-plan office system of reconfigurable components. It was a major break from what he termed conventional office layouts that sapped vitality, blocked talent, and frustrated accomplishment.(read entire article)
View : 261 Times
Category : Business

Why Optimum7 Actually Rejects Potential Seo Clients    Submitted as: Larry Tang
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an intensive, interactive process that requires a strongly committed SEO Company. The commitment must be based on results … high search engine rankings, high conversion rates and a measurable ROI. There are certain inescapable truths about Search Engine Marketing:(read entire article)
View : 317 Times
Category : Search Engine Optimization

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