Here's the recent articles submitted by george philip
Articles By george philip
The Evolution Of Money, From Barter To Bitcoin
By: george philip
To challenge this notion of a centralized authority governing all transactions, a decentralized currency - Cryptocurrency was born with early efforts starting from 1983. Cryptocurrency does not exist in a physical form and is not issued by a central authority.(read
entire article)
View : 191 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
The Abc Of Cryptocurrency
By: george philip
The process of holding cryptocurrencies is also termed mining, much like how traditional currency is mined. Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin can be mined through high power computer machines that can work on incredibly tough equations.(read
entire article)
View : 136 Times
Category : Business
The Basics Of Blockchain
By: george philip
Blockchain not only has been adopted by businesses worldwide, but it also is at the centre of the evolution of money with cryptocurrency. The technology has far-reaching applications and its full potential is yet to be discovered.(read
entire article)
View : 138 Times
Category : Business
Smarter To Stake?
By: george philip
Stakers get voting rights. These give the investor a say in the development of the protocol for a cryptocurrency.(read
entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Business
The Curious Case Of Satoshi Nakamoto
By: george philip
Len Sassaman is considered another possible suspect. Sassaman killed himself after battling depression in 2011. Coincidentally, in Satoshi's last few communications, he sent a cryptic email to a fellow developer that he “probably won't be around in the future.”(read
entire article)
View : 199 Times
Category : Investing / Finance