Here's the recent articles submitted by idigitize social
Articles By idigitize social
Are Self-help Books Actually Helpful?
Submitted as: Urveez Kakalia and Niharika Bhatia.
Over the past few years, books on self-improvement or self-help have become increasingly popular. In the U.S. alone, the self-help industry was valued at 11 billion dollars in 2008. For every problem you may seem to encounter in life, there is a book that claims to provide you with all of the possible solutions to it and more. But, how helpful are these books? And can they magically improve our lives?(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : General
Books Your Child Must Read Before They Turn 15
Submitted as: Harshad Valia International School
Be it a child or an adult, books can be a good friend to anyone. It is just a great medium for knowledge transfer. Books not only give us value but also help us identify with our civilization. We highly recommend parents encourage their kids to read books beyond the syllabus. To create this anxiety you can read kids' storybooks.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Education
Why Is It Important For Young Children To Get Over Stage Fright?
Submitted as: – Urveez Kakalia & Ferangiz Hozdar.
There is a first time for everything and as we write this article we are definitely thinking about the butterflies in our stomachs and the lump in our throats as we stepped on a stage for the first time. Uneasiness, anxiety and overthinking trouble the mind as one ruminates over everything that could go wrong while one performs. Stage fright affects all kinds of people who have to appear in front of an audience, even when they are not necessarily speaking. For example, it can affect musicians, dancers, politicians or athletes. In this article, we will focus on how to break this fear while one's child is young.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Education
Activities That Will Encourage Curiosity In Kids
Submitted as: Harshad Valia International School
What are the qualities of a curious kid? In kids, interest is one of the many drives that aid them to learn and grow at each stage of life. Very often kids are referred to as “Inquisitive Minds” or “Question Box”. The inquiring mind can be seen through their inquisitive nature toward their surroundings, especially when outdoor. When they see something new, there's a strong erg to ask questions about it or seek guidance. You will hear, “What is this?”, “Why is this red in colour?”, “How do I use this?”(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Education
Submitted as: – Urveez Kakalia and Niharika Bhatia.
Scrolling through Instagram, do you find yourself checking all the boxes for depression? On Monday, you are convinced you have depression and by the next week, you have no doubt in mind that you suffer from PTSD.(read
entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Others
Tips To Ensure That Your Child Gets The Most Out Of The Curriculum
Submitted as: Harshad Valia International School
Your child's knowledge is extremely critical because it will allow them to implement this knowledge to get the most out of their education. Not only does knowledge come from studying at home, but it also comes from within themselves which means that if they are given the opportunity, they can excel even further than expected.(read
entire article)
View : 221 Times
Category : Education
Pioneers Of Feminist Psychology
Submitted as: – Urveez Kakalia and Ferangiz Hozdar.
Psychology was a male-dominated field in the 1900's. While there was a dominance of one gender, it did not mean that there were not any female psychologists present. Women had been contributing to psychology since its earliest days. Estimates suggested that in the early 1900s, roughly 12% of psychologists in the United States were women (Schultz, 2011). The cold truth is that the female psychologists in this field have had to face discrimination due to their sex. Despite this, women psychologists have made groundbreaking contributions to the field.(read
entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : Social Community
Tips For Making Your Child's Transition To School Easier
Submitted as: Harshad Valia Internation School
Schooling can be exciting and anxious for both parents and children. For kids, it's an opportunity to make new friends, learn new things, and grow into their own unique personalities. On the other hand, for a parent, it can be hard to let go and trust that their children are in capable hands. But with a little preparation in advance can ensure both you and your child to feel confident and excited for the upcoming schooling journey.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Education
Toxic Positivity
Submitted as: ImPerfect | Urveez Kakalia
“It's not a big deal”, “Others have it worse than me so I should be grateful” or “I should be happy” Do you find yourself saying these words often, be it to yourself or to others? Toxic positivity can be defined as, “the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset.” Although a mindset of such a kind appears seemingly beneficial, the reality can be far from so.(read
entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Social Community
Avoid These Parental Mistakes
Submitted as: Harshad Valis International School
Parents are seldom confused about the best way to raise their children. They need to realize that they are not the only ones in this process, and there are many resources out there that can guide them through the difficult decisions while raising a child.(read
entire article)
View : 304 Times
Category : Parenting/Kids