Here's the recent articles submitted by tarun ahuja
Articles By tarun ahuja
Leadership Training- A Brief
Submitted as: peaktrainings
If an efficient leader is introduced into the management team, it is considered as a sign of betterment in the company as he is seen as a good investment. Main work of the leader is to motivate the employers and make them work with more dedication. It is important to note that there are many important skills available in a leader that differentiates him from rest of the people. These skills of leadership include many qualities like commitment, confidence and the ability to use the resource in an efficient manner.(read
entire article)
View : 161 Times
Category : Business
How Can You Choose A Sales Training Program?
Submitted as: peaktrainings
Are you aware of the sales training programs and its utility? If not then no need to worry any more as here you can expect some very useful information on this. It is important to note that the main motive of the sales training programs is to make an individual efficient in the field of marketing or sales.(read
entire article)
View : 150 Times
Category : Business
Why Are Public Speaking Skills Important?
Submitted as: peaktrainings
Every person should know about the public speaking skills as they are considered must for the overall development of the person as well as for the organizations for which the person is working. Whenever you talk to any person, it is your speaking skill which becomes the first impression for the person to whom you are talking.(read
entire article)
View : 183 Times
Category : Career
Management Training Programs: Are They Important?
Submitted as: peaktrainings
A manager is undoubtedly the most important human resource for any owner of the company. Manager means who can manage, the person who has the potential to manage group of people is called manager of a company.(read
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Business