Here's the recent articles submitted by ryan david
Articles By ryan david
Proper Ear Protection Can Prevent Permanent Hearing Loss While Shooting Or Hunting
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
There are more than 50 million people in America using guns, in different capacities. Every time you have exposed to close-up gunfire without wearing proper hearing protection, 150 decibels (dB) of intense sound penetrates your ears. Being exposed to repetitive 90dB sound will permanently impair your hearing, however, a single closeup shot resonating 120 dB will destroy your hearing forever. For more information, please visit
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View : 270 Times
Category : Sports
Learn More About The Importance Of Shooting Hearing Protection And How These Products Can Help Avoid Permanent Hearing Loss
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Noise-induced hearing loss can be defined as hearing loss caused by repetitive or extended exposure to noise beyond a specific decibel level, which can readily occur in shooters, which is why shooting hearing protection is always recommended for these individuals. The most innovative and effective digital earplugs available to shooters. Visit our website at for more.(read
entire article)
View : 385 Times
Category : Sports
Suppress Noise And Improve Hearing Protection With Electronic Earplugs For Shooting
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Start right with the use of electronic earplug protection, which is the ideal choice for those who want to protect their hearing without giving up the convenience and enjoyment of shooting sports. The protection ability from electronic earplugs comes into effect when there is a sudden change in noise and brings the need for a customized earplug to control and suppress noises. Find out more by visiting our website
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View : 585 Times
Category : Sports
Why Is Hearing Protection For Shooting Sports Vital?
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
If you spend time with any form of shooting sports, those regulations mandate hearing protection.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Sports
The Best Electronic Custom-made Ear Plugs For Extended Periods At The Shooting Range
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Many people who enjoy shooting at the range as a form of relaxation and relieving stress. Unfortunately, without the correct hearing protection and ear plugs this past time can have a negative effect on your hearing.(read
entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Sports
About Hearing Protection For Ears At The Shooting Range
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Hunters and shooters are aware of the dangers they expose their ears to every time they fire a gun or rifle, or listen to one close to them as their friends do so, and if they are not aware of this, they should make an effort to find out more about the issue.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Sports
Options For Hearing Protection For Shooters
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Every shooter, either at the shooting range, or out in the bush, knows what the immediate effect on their ears can be when shots are fired around them. Momentary deafness, even for only a few seconds, ringing in the ears and similar experiences are possibilities. Of course many are lucky that this lasts for only a short while before they proceed as before – even if they may not be aware that some kind of damage to their hearing has been done.(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Sports
Shooters Can Do Themselves A Great Favor By Wearing Ear Protection
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Everyone that has ever fired a gun or rifle knows how unpleasant that loud noise next to their ear(s) can be. It is the same for all shooters, hunters and other people that are often exposed to the loud noise of firearms being fired around them.(read
entire article)
View : 183 Times
Category : Sports
Hunters And Shooters Can Only Benefit From Hearing Protection Devices
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been in business for more than 20 years and provides the best in terms of electronic protection for ears. Products are custom made to fit the individual's ears to allow maximum protection while still hearing sound.(read
entire article)
View : 141 Times
Category : Sports
The Importance Of Shooting Ear Protection: Safeguarding Your Hearing At The Range
Submitted as: Electronic Shooters Protection
Electronic hearing protection devices combine the benefits of both earmuffs and earplugs. These devices use advanced technology to amplify ambient sounds while blocking out harmful noise levels from gunfire. This allows shooters to hear conversations and range commands clearly without compromising on hearing protection.(read
entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Sports