Here's the recent articles submitted by kay johnson
Articles By kay johnson
Data Recovery: Common Woes In Our Daily Lives
Submitted as: Data Recovery
Have you been in this situation, where you have accidentally deleted important files and the amount of frustration one has to go through to actually be able to retrieve is not even funny? The following steps will enable an end user to retrieve deleted files of a hard drive and recover from a computer crash. Well easier said than done, how does this actually work?(read
entire article)
View : 191 Times
Category : Computers
Effective Steps To Beat Recession
Submitted as: Job Search
There are many who view recession, as detrimental to job markets, as several jobs are lost due to pink slips, dip in the salary, blanket stop on recruitment and several cost cutting measures resorted to by the HR. In the event, how does one ensure his/her job is secured? Having a job in hand is of utmost importance during these troubled times. So the temptation of cutting corners on job searches are given when, the job market is stretched to its limits.(read
entire article)
View : 194 Times
Category : Computers
Microsoft Details Citrix Partnership, Windows Phone 7 Series
Submitted as: Computer Support
Microsoft was focusing on the MIX 10 conference held at Las Vegas in this week. In addition to this more attention was given to the Windows Phone 7 Series. This is because; Microsoft now wants to grab attention of all the users and consumers to the forthcoming smart phone platform.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Computers
Online Marketing Strategies
Submitted as: Internet Marketing
Since its evolution, internet has gained great popularity owing to its numerous useful characteristics. The development in the internet technology has modernized business transactions and business operations. The internet has provided a potent means for many entrepreneurs to advertise effectively. In addition to this, with the internet marketing the business owners are capable to reach more clients all over the globe.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Computers
Windows 7 Capabilities
Submitted as: Computer Repair
Less RAM usage and enhanced speed are amongst the foremost things you must have been heard about Windows 7. However, this is not all that windows 7 can offer. It has several great and useful features and capabilities, which can aid you to get more enhanced and convenient user experience. Let us have a glance at the capabilities of windows 7.(read
entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Computers
Notebook Keyboard Repair
Submitted as: Notebook Repair
Keyboards are most extensively used components of notebook. That is why they may be damaged, if not used in proper way. However, it is better to replace the keyboard rather than repair. It is quite easy and expensive to replace the notebook keyboard. With simple tools, you can replace the keyboard at your own. It will make you to save money.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Computers
Ways To Recover Deleted Video Files
Submitted as: Data Recovery
Nowadays lots of software are available in the market. Actually, such software scans the disks to check if any ghost files are present. Furthermore, they analyze the type of the file and restore it. After this, you become able to watch those videos again. It is obvious that the successful recovery of the video files simple depends upon the severity of damage and the size of the video file.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Computers
Understand The Importance Of Computer Security
Submitted as: Computer Security
Hundreds of millions of people use computers every day for different purposes. Many of them are connected to the Internet. Thankfully, many of them are aware of the computer threats, but most of them are still unaware of the threats or do not know how to protect themselves. This unawareness is a major threat to global computer security.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Computers
Highest Paying Jobs In America
Submitted as: Job Search
An aspiration to make it big persuades one to hunt a dream job. Almost everyone has a desire to go at least once, in USA. The numerous job opportunities with handsome salary packages have made USA the dream job destination for everyone.(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Computers
Google Chrome- An Open Source Os
Submitted as: Computer Support
Google Chrome, known for its web browser is now entering the market as Operating System in the second half of the year 2010. Google Incorporation developed google chrome operating system exclusively with the web applications. It is an open source operating system. The operating system is designed on Linux and chrome web browser and will run on specifically designed hardware that means it will need a dedicated hardware.(read
entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Computers
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