Here's the recent articles submitted by elizabeth cole
Articles By elizabeth cole
Chat Gratis A Way To Communicate
By: elizabeth cole
It's difficult in these time to be in contact with friends, relatives, or co-workers in a direct way, but this problem has finished because we can Chat with them .How? is very simple if you has an email account in whatever page service you only need to click in the option contact and you can talk with people in a writing way or use a video chat .(read
entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Entertainment
Television En Vivo On Internet
By: elizabeth cole
Advanced technology permits that cyber users can enjoy of television en vivo by Internet .People only have to visit web pages that offer this service in a free way .Television is a medium that we can use around the world. We watch national programs and international ones.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Entertainment
Chicas And Hombres Are Not The Same
By: elizabeth cole
Even many people can agree that relations between chicas and hombres can be in a good way , we can't leave apart that they are totally different because their organisms function in a opposite way, and their reactions, too.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Entertainment
Why Guys Are Different To Chicas?
By: elizabeth cole
First we have to be realistic because guys are completely opposite to chicas, one is the physical appearance, other is the way that guys react to situations and finally chicas are more active than guys.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Entertainment
Chicas According With The Astrology
By: elizabeth cole
The astrology help us to understand in a better way the nature, the human necessities, the job, and the actions and results that could be associated with a person. Also we can understand people according with their genre. In this case we are going to talk about chicas, related to their zodiacal sign and the position of the sun during her born.(read
entire article)
View : 186 Times
Category : Entertainment
The Musica As A Cultural Product
By: elizabeth cole
Musica is an art which consist in organize sounds and silents ;using others components which are very important when we create musica; they are the melody, harmony, and rhythm .The lyrics songs are complements of a final product of music which have to be in according way with the music .(read
entire article)
View : 314 Times
Category : Entertainment
The Musica A Complement Of A Pelicula
By: elizabeth cole
When we watch a movie at home or go to the movies with friends, we really don't know how the producers have to coordinate for good results all the details that a film have to be organized in each scene with the appropriate sound; for this reason I'm going to explain the differences and concepts that we have to difference in order to understand the importance of the musica in the production of a film.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Entertainment