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Articles By elizabeth miranda

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Why Franchising Is So Successful And Why Is It A Safe Investment?   By: elizabeth miranda
In high times and low times franchising has proven to be successful, and as we face a time of recession, looking at business options that have a safety valve built in is important for many of us. There are those who'll simply opt to lie low in times of financial uncertainty, while others, aware that the show must go on, are on a quest to find recession-proof businesses that represent a safe investment and offer assured success.(read entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Business

Why Have A Business From Home?   By: elizabeth miranda
Our homes are where we are most comfortable, they represent the place where we live our lives and feel we can be ourselves. It’s where we relax. But we pay dearly for the luxury. We spend a huge amount of time outside of our homes. Ironically this is usually because we are going out to work in order to pay for the houses or apartments we love so much but spend so little time in. It doesn’t really seem to make sense when you look at it like that, does it?(read entire article)
View : 172 Times
Category : Business

Why Helping Small And Medium Sized Businesses Is A Rewarding Career?   By: elizabeth miranda
It was Henry Ford, US automobile industrialist, who said, “An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.” It’s human instinct to help others. If it were not no one would ever become a nurse, or dedicate their spare time to voluntary work. If we lived in a society in which no one helped others it would be a sorry state of affairs.(read entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Business

Why Is Internet Marketing Growing Despite The Economic Drop?   By: elizabeth miranda
The Internet is growing despite (or maybe even because of) the economy drop. Worldwide rates of inflation are sky high and rising and everyone is very conscious of the need to cut costs – this applies to consumers and business owners alike. Quite understandably people are more careful about looking after their money. For a great many of us luxury goods and services are being abandoned and we’re only spending what we need to on life’s necessities.(read entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Business

Why Now Is The Right Time To Start Your Own Internet Business   By: elizabeth miranda
Hearing news of the global effects of recession makes many people shy away from the idea of starting their own business and makes those who already have businesses nervous about how best to keep them thriving. While it’s true that worldwide economic matters make us feel rightly cautious about starting fresh ventures, and investing our time and hard earned money in new pursuits, the reality is that there are many types of business that are statistically proven to thrive during hard times.(read entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Business

Why The Internet Is A Good Place To Do Business, Buy And Sell?   By: elizabeth miranda
There was a time, particularly during its advent, when people were fuelled with fear about the Internet, seeing it as a dangerous and ungovernable place. While there will always be certain areas of cyberspace that are best avoided, this applies also to the real world, and the Internet in general is as safe a place as any to do business and to buy and sell. If it weren’t then phenomenally successful sites like Ebay and Amazon would never have reached the heights they have.(read entire article)
View : 678 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Why Online Marketing Is Growing Despite The Tough Economic Times   By: elizabeth miranda
With global inflation rates at an all time high and the words ‘recession’ and ‘credit crunch’ very firmly and frighteningly imprinted on the collective consciousness of consumers and business owners alike, it’s understandable that everyone is cautious about they way they spend their money. Most of us are now giving second, and even third, thoughts to spending out on luxury goods and focussing our attentions and our cash on life’s necessities.(read entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Why The Recession Is The Best Time To Start A Business   By: elizabeth miranda
It sounds incongruous doesn’t it, but the recession really can be the best time to start a business. But not just any business. Businesses require investment so in financially turbulent times it pays to be cautious not only about what you invest in but also how much of your hard-earned or hard-borrowed and yet to be paid back cash you plough into a new concern.(read entire article)
View : 656 Times
Category : Business

Recession Proof? Franchise Opportunity?   By: elizabeth miranda
blame them? While it’s true that the global financial situation is alarming there is also as great deal of scare-mongering going on which, if taken too much to heart, would have even the bravest of entrepreneurs hiding under a blanket and not investing in anything at all.(read entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Business

An Overview Of The Shift From Traditional   By: elizabeth miranda
It has been acknowledged for a long time that television and radio advertising can be expensive. Although they are two of the most influential media systems used for endorsement, they’re very often, money wise, way outside the confines of nearly everyone’s publicity budget. Higher end print advertising is also costly. Securing ad space in the most popular newspapers, even a small line or box ad, comes with a high price tag. All of the aforementioned media works, but the exposure a company can expect to get is often transitory. The advertisement might be aired on the television or the radio, but statistically it’s been shown that the greatest reaction to such endorsements only come following a minimum of around three such airings. And that costs money.(read entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Business

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