Here's the recent articles submitted by baudouin deboulle
Articles By baudouin deboulle
A Guide That Will Help You Find The Right Dimensions Of Your Bed And Everything You Need
By: baudouin deboulle
When buying bed linen, there are several factors to consider, but the most important is the size of your bed., followed by the quality of the material you choose. It is always a good idea to start with a budget. Decide how much you want to spend on linen and make a shortlist of what you need.(read
entire article)
View : 595 Times
Category : General
Reasons Why You Should Consider Linen If You Are In The Market Of Buying A Fitted Sheet
By: baudouin deboulle
Fitted sheets in themselves are next to sliced bread, probably one of the most wonderful inventions. Where a flat sheet is merely a rectangular cloth, weavers sew an elastic band to the inside of the four edges of a normal flat sheet, so that it becomes a fitted sheet that fits easily and comfortably over the sides of your mattress. That is if you have bought the right size to fit your mattress.(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : General
The Words To Know When Selecting Linen
By: baudouin deboulle
Linen is a very popular material and is widely used to make bedding, curtains, table linen, and clothing. Linen has many intrinsic benefits that make it an ideal choice of fabric over its counterparts such as cotton, but, for the novice, shopping for linen may be made difficult by the use of certain words that aren't in the ordinary person's vocabulary. It is necessary to know what things like stonewashed, washed, or brushed linen means to know what you're buying, additionally, terms like thread count and huckaback may confuse shoppers, and that is why it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the vocabulary of linen before making your purchase.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : General
Choosing Between Fitted And Flat Sheets
By: baudouin deboulle
Changing your bed linen is an easy and affordable way of changing up the look and feel of your entire bedroom. It is so simple and so effective. Some people believe in changing their sheets completely every year or so to introduce a new look and to simply enjoy new bedding every once in a while. Some people invest in a few bed linen sets so that they can switch up their bedroom's look as often as they like, or every season, which is a fairly popular way of doing this. By purchasing several bed linen sets and changing them up every so often, you are ensuring that your sheets last longer as they will be subjected to less use and fewer wash cycles. However, if you are the type of person that enjoys having bed covers that last at least a year or more, then it is best to invest in linen rather than cotton or other materials as linen is very durable, gets softer, and better with each wash, and will generally last a lifetime.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : General
Determining The Quality Of Linen
By: baudouin deboulle
Linen is a highly sought-after fabric due to its inherent qualities. It is a durable fabric that is said to last a lifetime and linen items are often passed from one generation to the next. Linen is also lightweight yet absorbent, which makes it ideal for items like towels and table linen, but it is also breathable and hypoallergenic as well as antifungal and antibacterial, which is why bed linen is so popular. However, although linen itself is generally good quality, certain types are better than others and it is important to know how to determine the quality of any linen product so that you can ensure that you are purchasing something that will last a very long time.(read
entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : General
The Benefits Of Natural Linen Bedding
By: baudouin deboulle
Natural linen is a highly sought-after fabric when it comes to bedding. Bed linen comes in many styles and colours, which means that there is something to suit every taste. It is one of the best fabrics for bedding due to several inherent qualities that linen fabric possesses. It is of the utmost importance to procure your linen products from a reliable and reputable seller to ensure that you are buying the very best quality linen available.
Linen is also one of the oldest fabrics in the world, which means it truly has stood the test of time, and for good reason. Some of the main benefits of linen bedding and why it is such a sought-after fabric are its sustainability and durability.(read
entire article)
View : 993 Times
Category : General
Bedroom Décor Trends To Spoil Yourself With This Year
By: baudouin deboulle
Your bedroom is your private space. It is a place of rest and recuperation, a place where you can feel at ease. So, you want it to be a place that flaunts all the features you need to enjoy this space through magnificent décor design. However, in every bedroom, the design centrepiece remains your bed. These are the words of advice that the team at Linenshed AUS provides when it comes to bedroom décor.(read
entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : General
Taking A Step Back In The History Of The Fitted Sheet
By: baudouin deboulle
Every day of our lives, we are surrounded by the most ordinary items that make our lives easy and comfortable and yet we hardly ever notice them. We never think about how these items came into existence and we often only give them a few seconds of thought when we don't have access to them. Just think about the corkscrew opener, the can opener, the clothing iron or even fitted sheets.(read
entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : General
An Overview On How Different Bed Sizes Got Their Names
By: baudouin deboulle
Today, the terms king and queen is quite common to describe the sizes of different beds. These are such widely used terms to refer to specific bed sizes that even bedding gets names according to these sizes. However, have you ever wondered where these names came from? Does it imply that royalty preferred improved mattresses? The team at Linenshed AUS is passionate about all things bed related.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : General
Vital Steps To Care For Your Quilt To Make It Last
By: baudouin deboulle
While there might be a widespread misunderstanding that quilts and duvets are one in the same thing, this couldn't be further from the truth says the team at Linenshed AUS, a leading name when it comes to the most outstanding linen bedding. They state some of the most outstanding differences such as that duvet consists of two parts, meaning an inner section and the outer cover while quilts consist of only one part.(read
entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : General