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Articles By easy soft

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If You Thought Child Support Ended At 18, Think Again!   By: easy soft
Divorcing couples often assume that any child support obligations end once the child turns 18 but that's not necessarily true. New Jersey law doesn't automatically emancipate according to age(read entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Computers

Understanding The Hud-1 Form, Part 2   By: easy soft
Now let's move on to sections J and K on the HUD settlement statement form, which break down the borrower's and seller's transactions respectively. We are going to talk about these sections together because they are so closely interrelated.(read entire article)
View : 204 Times
Category : Computers

Trust Accounting For Paralegals   By: easy soft
Most law offices indulge in a certain amount of money management for their clients. They are responsible for collecting fees and retainers and ensuring that these monies are spent appropriately in the client's interest.(read entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Computers

How Can I Reduce Child Support Payments?   By: easy soft
The filer submits a modified Case Information Statement and the court will decide if the support amount should be changed. Note that this works both ways. If a payor has a substantial increase in pay, for example, the ex could file for an increase in child support to reflect the new financial reality.(read entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Computers

Divorce Settlement On The Go: Cis Nj For Your Mobile Device   By: easy soft
You need quick answers about child support. You can run Case Information Statement software on your laptop, but even the smallest laptop can be clumsy and awkward to use in many situations.(read entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Computers

Self-employment Complicates Spousal Maintenance Calculation   By: easy soft
The formulas are designed to take bias out of the New York spousal maintenance formula but they also prevent judges from overruling the formulas to fix unfair situations, such as when self-employment income skews the results.(read entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Computers

Protect Your Divorce With Life Insurance   By: easy soft
Many people say, we had life insurance when we were marred. That doesn't mean you still do. The ex may have let the premiums lapse, or may have changed the policy to name a new significant other as the beneficiary. The time to find out is not after the ex has died.(read entire article)
View : 186 Times
Category : Computers

Can You Trust Your Trusts To The Cloud?   By: easy soft
The average citizen can file bankruptcy, get a divorce or even face criminal charges without an attorney but it's rarely the wise choice. There are so many pitfalls and subtleties to even the simplest laws that the best option is to hire a lawyer.(read entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Computers

Even Natural Disasters Can't Halt Divorces   By: easy soft
Their computers were under water so they couldn't access case files and in some cases the backup vendor was under water as well! That left them scrambling to recreate all of the work involved in New York State uncontested divorce cases before they had to meet with the judge.(read entire article)
View : 184 Times
Category : Computers

Tablet-based Hud Forms For Agents On The Go   By: easy soft
Real estate deals can move fast and agents need to be able to react just as quickly. A buyer who's found a dream home wants to move in as soon as possible. The seller wants the deal to be over with to be able to focus on a new home.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Computers

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