Here's the recent articles submitted by mallikarjuna gorla
Articles By mallikarjuna gorla
Importance Of Ngo For Elderly Citizens
By: mallikarjuna gorla
The need to donate NGO for senior citizens in India has increased lately due to the increased ill-treatment and misery older people have to undergo after they become incapable and helpless(read
entire article)
View : 421 Times
Category : Family
5 Ways Sponsoring A Child Is Life-changing
By: mallikarjuna gorla
Sponsoring a child for their education, nutrition, and overall well-being may seem daunting, especially when you have never met them before. Chances are you feel conflicted about the whole idea, as you are unsure if such sponsorships ever really make a difference.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Business
Elder Neglect – What You Should Know & How You Can Help
By: mallikarjuna gorla
Elder abuse and neglect have been a growing concern across different parts of the country. Just in case you didn't know, the term ‘Neglect' describes an elderly person who isn't capable of taking care of themselves, or is abandoned by their family. An estimated 33 percent of the elderly live alone or with spouse only.(read
entire article)
View : 304 Times
Category : Business
Reasons Why To Celebrate Your Happiness At The Old Age Home By Donation
By: mallikarjuna gorla
Is it's your loved one's birthday, or it's your anniversary? Donate for old age home, and show the real meaning of sharing your happiness! You came into this world for a reason and with many milestones.(read
entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Why Should I Donate To Charity?
Submitted as: SERUDS
Charity is listed frequently in the works of illustrious authors, philosophers, and leaders, as well as in all religions. Giving back, on the other hand, is a personal matter for many people.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business