Here's the recent articles submitted by smith shelley
Articles By smith shelley
From Replacing Windows To Fixing Leaky Faucets, Green Energy Works
Submitted as: Todd Schlosser
Make Earth Day every day with these great ideas you can try at home to save energy. It will not only cut down on the cost of your heating and cooling bills, but also minimize your carbon footprint. If we work together, we can slow down the effects of global warming. From installing new windows to putting up solar panels to even just fixing that leaky faucet, saving the planet can be done at home. Simply putting in new windows can in fact halve your electric bill. Find out what you can do to get started today.
Fill Up Your Freezer
Did you know that your freezer uses more electricity empty than it does when it's full? You can save on electricity simply by filling up the unused spaces in your freezer with bottles of water. Always fill them about 2/3 fill so they don't explode, as the liquid naturally expands as it freezes. The ice helps maintain the inside temperature of the freezer, saving energy on your next electricity bill.
Fix Drafts
Find the drafts in your house, and do something about them. They do more than make sweaters more enticing. Air leaks run up the heating and cooling bills. Consider replacing leaky windows with windows. Put thermal coverings by the cracks of doors. Find the leak in the attic and seal it. You'll be surprised just how much you save by cutting off your drafts with an installation of windows.
Unplug Appliances
It's amazing how much energy can be saved simply by unplugging your coffee maker, your microwave, and even your cell phone charger. These devices slowly sap energy even if they're not used. Consider keeping these items on a power strip with a shut off switch. Why drain what you're not really using anyway?
Home Improvement
Older homes naturally lose heat and air conditioning, but you can improve them with a few simple home improvements. Consider an installation of new windows. These can not only cut your electric bill, but greatly improve the look and enjoyment of your home. In fact, windows are one of the best ways to add equity to your home. Older windows should absolutely be replaced, as the money you spend on them you'll easily make up in lower bills in just a few years. New windows are a housing investment that simply makes sense.(read
entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Ability To Find People By Phone Number Is Very Helpful
Submitted as: Pansy Jones
A cell phone is a marvel of modern technology that has made our lives so convenient.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
What Is The Salary For A Nurse? (2011 Update)
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
There are a number of factors that play a part in determining the registered nurse salary. Among them are the number of years of experience, education, and specialized training. The part of the country and the company that you work for will also have an impact income levels.
Experience is the number one factor influencing income level. The more experience a person has, the higher their earning ability. Once graduating from school it is important to gain as much experience as quickly as possible. Consider working in different areas of the nursing industry to accumulate experience in a variety of care situations. The number of years of experience also dictates income. For instance, a nurse with less than one year of experience may only earn twenty one dollars per hour while someone with ten years experience will earn twenty eight dollars an hour.
Job performance is another reason a persons earnings will be higher or lower. When a person functions well at their job they will enjoy the benefits of being paid according to their performance. A positive reputation will also follow the individual from one position to the next.
The nurses educational background will also impact their earning potential. There are some schools that hold to a higher standard than others and carry a reputation that any graduate of the school will benefit from. Additionally, the number of years dedicated to earning a degree is considered. For instance an RN with an associate degree will be paid less than an RN with a bachelor degree, and the nurse with a masters will be paid the most.
The area of nursing in which the individual works and the number of jobs available will also determine the rate of pay they receive. For instance, as the need for nurses increases the salaries also increase. In areas such as elder or geriatric care there is an ever increasing need for the individual with specialized training. This segment of the population is increasing so the demand for geriatric nurses is also on the rise.
In the United States the full time salary for an average registered nurse position is over sixty thousand dollars per year. As the older segment of our population continues to grow, the demand for registered nurses in all areas of the nursing industry will increases .
In addition, the number of nursing school graduates is not keeping in step with the number of nurses who are beginning to retire from the profession. This phenomenon is causing the industry to raise the salary level of nurses in an effort to attract more individuals to join the profession.
There are also a number of hospitals that offer sign on bonuses for nurses as incentives. Some of these bonuses can be as high as twenty thousand dollars or more. Taking into consideration the number of things that influence the registered nurse salary, joining the nursing profession can be very rewarding not only for the personal satisfaction of helping others, but for financial reasons.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : General
Online Directory Submission Services
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
Directory submission is one of the most proven methods of getting a website noticed on the internet.(read
entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Mattresses Melbourne
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
We spend 1/3 of our lives in bed or approximately 220,000 hours over the course of a lifetime; a good night's sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, rejuvenating the body, mind and soul. With this in mind, it makes sense to invest in a mattress and pillow that can improve your comfort and overall health.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Health
How About A Father's Day Massage? Jacksonville Firm Says It's A Best Bet Gift
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
Forget the gag gifts and gadgets. What Dad really wants this year is a little pampering - perhaps a lymphatic facial or a deep tissue massage.(read
entire article)
View : 194 Times
Category : General
The Importance Of Getting A Home Mortgage Loan For Your Family
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
One of the basic human requirements is shelter. This is the reason why most people go to such great lengths to build and own their homes. However, seeing as incomes are so low, it follows that not everyone can afford to automatically build and afford the home of their dreams. This is the main reason behind home mortgage loans.(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Using Probiotics For Treating Fibromyalgia Pain And Symptoms
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
Today there are approximately 2% of Americans who have fibromyalgia. Most of those who are afflicted are women who have undergone either a physical or an emotional trauma.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Health
Security Safes For The Ultimate Security
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
Security safes are a must in every home and office when you wish to lead a tension-free life without having to fret over the security of your valuables.(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
The Ipad App Development - Experience The Technology
Submitted as: Webster Campbell
Apple has always believed in creating a niche for itself in the market by bringing a revolution through its varied advanced products.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Internet Marketing