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Articles By johnson philip

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The Future Of Coding   By: johnson philip
Our concern in this article is with coding, and the use of technology for coding, and not with encryption. Since all encryption rides upon coding, knowing about the past and future of coding would automatically open up the way to understand the past and future of encryption, which can then be explained more efficiently in forthcoming write-ups devoted exclusively to encryption.(read entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Computers

What Is A Number ?   By: johnson philip
My present-day readers live in a world so dominated by numbers and number-crunching that the question might look childish or even stupid to most. But wait! Tell me what a "number" is before you decide to do something else? This article, I am sure will open your eyes.(read entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Computers

Numbers And Complex Codes   By: johnson philip
Communication during warfare, ciphers and codes, come immediately to mind when one talks about code. However, a code is much more basic than that. is the reason why I say that numbers are codes.(read entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Computers

Second Law Of Thermodynamics   By: johnson philip
Since heat is one of the most common forms of energy in the Universe, and since its action can be seen on bodies everywhere, the science of thermo-dynamics (heat-motion) received very early development in physics.(read entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Computers

Techno Seduction   By: johnson philip
That a Christian should not walk according to the counsel of the wicked and that they should avoid certain types of company is Known to all. Yet the technical developments of the 1900s threaten to seduce Christians to indulge in all these forbidden activities, and some more.(read entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Education

History Of Kerala Coins   By: johnson philip
Kerala coins are one of the most sought after and one of the most expensive coins among Indian coins. Yet these coins have only less than 1000 years of history, and prolific production of coins took place only in the last 300 years of that period.(read entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Education

A Special Chola Type Coin   By: johnson philip
What is known as the Raja Raja Chola type of coins are so common that the moment a person tries to acquire old Indian coins, he presented with many of these coins. To a casual observer all of them look like the same coin. The actual number of coins that use the same basic theme but which are different from each other would be in the hundreds.(read entire article)
View : 356 Times
Category : Education

Truth Does Not Always Prevail!   By: johnson philip
While it is true that Truth shall prevail, and that ultimately only that which is true shall prevail, this does not automatically mean that things that are true and people that are truthful shall be victorious in the short run. Not does it mean that the declaration of the truth will automatically cause people to fall upon each other to embrace it. If the crowd rises to fall upon each other, it would in all probability to kill the messenger of truth, and the other way round.(read entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Education

Compulsory Voting: The New Fatwa?   By: johnson philip
Voter apathy is something to be lamented about. However, the quick-fix solutions that politicians and people offer for national (and also for the not the larger) problems is to be lamented even more. It seems that idiocy is at a premium when it comes to solving problems that affect the masses.(read entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Education

India Travel   By: johnson philip
India has become one of the best destinations for tour and travel because of a number of reasons. With its 5000 years of history, more than 1000 cultures, more than 500 languages and dialects, and numerous historical monuments anywhere that you go, are enough to fill you with awe and wonder. The time spent here will imprint upon your mind and you will never be able to forget it.(read entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Travel

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