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Articles By johnson philip

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Types Of Defense    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
Christian Apologetics is that branch of study which deals with the defense of the Christian faith. This articles offers a classification of the subject.(read entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Education

An Examination Of Of Evolution    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
The theolry of evolution is taught widely. However, the scientific foundations need reexamination in every generation, which is done in this article.(read entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Education

Evolution Of Life Or Creation ?    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
The conflict between creation and evolution has escalated to a very high level in the last two decades. Almost every person has heard something on this topic without actively trying to do so. It is no longer surprising to see an article on evolution/creation in publications which have no relation to these topics.(read entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Education

Bees Or Wonders Of Life ?    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
According to Sputnik, a digest of Soviet literature, Russian scientists who have observed the honeybees at work are convinced that the bees are brilliant mathematicians. If a man wants to do all what an ordinary bee does, he will not be able to do this without the aid of complex measuring instruments and computers.(read entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Education

Computers And The Authorship Of The Bible    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
Computers have descended upon us as magical tools of modern science. Their astonishing speed and their capacity to manipulate vast amounts of data have filled the minds of people with awe. A numerical problem which would require an entire year of manual calculation can today be solved in a day with the help of computers. As a consequence computers are viewed with awe, and it was no wonder when Christians shuddered a few years ago when a scholar claimed that his computer has disproved the traditional views about the epistles of St. Paul.(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Education

Darwinism: Past And Present    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
The name of Charles Darwin is immediately reminds people of the theory of evolution. The actual concept of evolution itself is an old as man himself is, and as a philosophy it has been accepted at least from the time of the Greek philosophers, but it was Darwin who converted this philosophical speculation into a scientific hypothesis.(read entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Education

Archaeology And The Bible    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
Archaeology is a fast-growing science which aims at studying the history and sociology of man in the past. This is done by uncovering remains of ancient buildings, art, inscriptions, and any kind of artifact which would throw light on the life, manners and customs of the cultures in the past.(read entire article)
View : 204 Times
Category : Education

Science And Faith    Submitted as: Johnon Philip
"Science" is the name of that systematic knowledge which we collect about this physical world through certain well-defined activities. That is the reason why we keep hearing that scientists have modified certain theories and that they have reject others.(read entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Education

The History Of Coding   By: johnson philip
Information, such as numbers and data, can be handled only if it can be represented with the help of something that is susceptible to rule-based manipulation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Thus the whole of mathematics and statistics is nothing other than logic and rule-based handling of information, that is in the form of coded (numbers).(read entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Computers

Technology And Coding   By: johnson philip
When a given object represents something else, it is either a symbol or a code. Symbol, if it represents only one object and (often) code if it has the power to represent more than one object.(read entire article)
View : 248 Times
Category : Computers

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