Here's the recent articles submitted by johnson philip
Articles By johnson philip
Preventive Discipline In Homes
By: johnson philip
"Disciplining the tender children is a thing of the past. Man has matured a lot, and today he has better methods than brutality to care for these flowers blossoming in his home". This is a very popular slogan today, and many Christian parents fall for it. But this is a wrong way of looking at discipline which is based upon a wrong conception of discipline, and also of children.(read
entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Education
The Evidence Of God
By: johnson philip
One does not have to tell anyone that this is the age of science and technology. In the past four hundred years scientists have discovered the secrets of nature at such a rapid pace that it has affected all walks of our life. The question is, what has all this done to the evidence of God.(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Education
Brave Medical Practices
By: johnson philip
The products of technology breakthroughs often promise rich financial rewards in certain fields of research and this promise of pot of gold, coupled with the present day greed for money has made many researchers to overlook all kinds of moral obligation. At the same time, man is becoming more and more daring to perform experiments which he perceives as doubtful or wrong because this adventure gives an expression to his rebellion against God.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Education
Why Difficulties And Problems
By: johnson philip
Popular testimonies and the general lack of understanding the Word of God has given rise to a very erroneous notion about the problems of difficulties in Christian life. Today Christians widely believe that since Christ is the answer to the most serious problem facing mankind (i.e., spiritual death), he will never let smaller problems touch those whom he has saved from this major problem.(read
entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Education
Radio-carbon Dating
By: johnson philip
Man has a great desire to learn about the past. Determination of how old relics from the past are is of great importance to everyone involved in studying the past, and as a consequence scientists have developed numerous methods to determine the age of old things. Many of these methods depend upon "radioactivity", which is a special behavior exhibited by certain elements. These methods are often called "radioactive dating" methods. Probably Radiocarbon Dating is the most well known of all these techniques, and even many laymen have heard this name.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Education
Criticism: A Biblical Perspective
By: johnson philip
Criticism has been labeled as the sweetest sin. This seems to be true if we evaluate it by the amount of criticism and gossip in which the children of God indulge. However, the end is only bitter. In this article the author challenges his readers to recognize the true nature of this sin and flee from it.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Education
Joshua: Did The Sun Stand Still
By: johnson philip
Did the sun really stand still on Joshua's long day. Read a biblical and scientific explanation from a Scientist and Theologican.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Education
Children: Things Thrown Away
By: johnson philip
Many people project abortion as an ethically and morally neutral method of population control. To achieve a broad acceptance, and also to cover up the moral implications, they have invented a lot of arguments in support of abortion. No amount of propaganda can change the moral implications of a practice(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Education
Submitted as: Johnon Philip
Christian Apologetics is that branch of study which deals with the defense of the Christian faith. This articles offers an introduction to this subject.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Education
Biblical Basis Of Christianapologetics
Submitted as: Johnon Philip
Christian Apologetics is that branch of study which deals with the defense of the Christian faith. This articles explains the biblical basis of this subject.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Education