Here's the recent articles submitted by johnson philip
Articles By johnson philip
Reasons For Belief In God
By: johnson philip
Every generation has its own beliefs, some of which are right while a good number of them are wrong. In this present century there is a widespread notion among the partially educated masses that an educated person cannot believe in God. Are they right?(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Education
The Ghost In The Closet
By: johnson philip
The theory of evolution is a modern philosophy which stands in diametric opposition to the christian faith. The whole of the Chiristian faith reduces to an illusion if man was not created by God.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Education
Darwin's Conversion
By: johnson philip
Many of my readers have asked me about the reported spiritual conversion of Charles Darwin on his death-bed. According to stories circulated widely among Christians, Charles Darwin had a spiritual conversion towards the close of his life. According to these stories, he died a saved man who deeply regretted the theory of evolution propounded by himself. Interestingly, another group of Christians claim that Darwin never claimed that man evolved from monkeys.(read
entire article)
View : 264 Times
Category : Education
Science In The Book Of Job
By: johnson philip
Ancient books that discuss history, geography, or science contain many errors. Current editions of many medical books become totally useless in less than a decade. In the light of this it would be quite illuminating to examine the scientific passages the very ancient book of Job.(read
entire article)
View : 186 Times
Category : Education
Bible Translations And Bible Difficulties
By: johnson philip
Difficulties in the Bible is a subject which receives constant attention from the critics of the Christian faith. They usually put their case forward by implying that if there are difficulties in understanding or interpreting certain passages of the Bible, then this whole book should be rejected. It is most unfortunate that many Bible-believing people are taken in easily by this intimidation.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Education
Promoting Your Blog
By: johnson philip
Once you start blogging, which should be as soon as the blog is set up, you should start promoting your blog. This article explains the first steps you need to take.(read
entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Business
Disciplining Children In Christian Homes
By: johnson philip
Since God is vitally interested in every individual, we expect that in his sacred Word He will surely give us guiding principles to govern or direct personal lives.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Business
Christian Apologetics -- The Importance
By: johnson philip
Apologetics has become an important part of theology, and this article explains why it should be given so much importance by Christians.(read
entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Religion
Faith And Superstition
By: johnson philip
Modern science has wrought so many technological miracles for us that one does not need to stress the value of science for man.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Religion
Your Ambitions, Your Health
By: johnson philip
Man is a very ambitious being, and this attitude is a necessary part of his life and survival on this earth. But due to the distorting presence of sin nature in us, every feeling is distorted, and his ambition is no exception to this.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Education