Here's the recent articles submitted by mark farrell
Articles By mark farrell
The Wonders Of Shock Absorbing Castors
By: mark farrell
BIL Castors and Wheels have a whole range of institutional castors for you to choose from. The range includes different wheel types, fittings and options to suit almost any institutional type application.(read
entire article)
View : 118 Times
Category : Business
Making Music Mobile - Piano Castors Do The Job
By: mark farrell
BIL is one of the leading UK manufacturers and distributors of castors, wheels and fittings for all sorts of industrial applications including... OEM products, materials handling, institutional equipment, moveable display, furniture and many specialist castors, solid or pneumatic wheels applications.(read
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Business
Mounting Castors Correctly Makes All The Difference
By: mark farrell
BIL Castors and Wheels manufactures and Suppliers of castors, casters and pneumatic wheels. Great deals on castors, big savings on pneumatic wheels. Huge selection of castors for all applications.Next day delivery.(read
entire article)
View : 132 Times
Category : Business
Castors - Making The World A Safer Place
By: mark farrell
BIL Castors and Wheels manufactures and Suppliers of castors, casters and pneumatic wheels. Great deals on castors, big savings on pneumatic wheels. Huge selection of castors for all applications.Next day delivery.(read
entire article)
View : 152 Times
Category : Business
Why Castors Would Have Ended The Trojan War Sooner?
By: mark farrell
The Trojan War is one of the most famous wars of all time thanks to its immortalisation by Virgil in the epic poem The Aeneid. The war was between the Greeks and the Trojans and lasted 10 years purely and simply because the Trojans were able to keep their would-be conquerors outside the city walls of Troy for that long.(read
entire article)
View : 119 Times
Category : Business
The History Of Holdem Poker
Submitted as: Erol Erturk
The card version of Online Poker game began to raise its head in, where else but the New Orleans of the early 19th century. The floating river boats and saloons on the Mississippi River was where traditional 5 card poker in all its variations were evolved and legends were born that remain intact to till this day. Anyone who ever saw the famous film " The Cincinnati Kid " starring Edward G. Robinson and Steve McQueen will never the forget the drama of the last turn of the card, when Lancey Howard made a Full House to defeat the Cincinnati Kid, and send him reeling into financial oblivion.(read
entire article)
View : 142 Times
Category : Games
Would Castors Have Helped Scott Get To The South Pole ?
Submitted as: Mike Gerrish
BIL Castors and Wheels manufactures and Suppliers of castors, casters and pneumatic wheels. Great deals on castors, big savings on pneumatic wheels. Huge selection of castors for all applications.Next day delivery.(read
entire article)
View : 109 Times
Category : Business
How Castors Helped Florence Nightingale
By: mark farrell
Nightingale arrived in the Crimea in 1854 to find medical staff treating wounded soldiers appallingly. They did their best, of course, but were using poor hygiene practices and suffering as a result of limited medical supplies.(read
entire article)
View : 112 Times
Category : Business
How The Wright Brothers Would Have Taken Off With Castors?
By: mark farrell
Castors, are the sturdy wheels that can be found on all sorts of industrial, institutional and personal objects that can be pushed around today. From sofas and office chairs to trolleys and heavy duty cages, Castors, enable them all to be transported from one place to the next without the need to lift heavy objects to do so.(read
entire article)
View : 116 Times
Category : Business
How Castors Helped The Allies Win World War Ii
Submitted as: Mike Gerrish
Smaller castors, such as the BZH 50mm to 150mm series (available from BIL Castors & Wheels), supported between 40kg and 650kg so they were ideal for making sure that officers were able to set up command posts just about anywhere(read
entire article)
View : 134 Times
Category : Business