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Articles By burhaluddin miri

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Gout Treatment    Submitted as: burhan
If you suffer from gout you will try to gout treatment in any way to lessen the pain of the causes of gout attacks. Gout pain will result in long-term complications, such as joint destruction and kidney damage. Treatment includes medications and steps you can take at home to prevent future attacks.(read entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Health

High Blood Pressure Diet    Submitted as: burhan
You surely know that a healthy diet can affect and disease prevention. But did you know that what you eat - or not eating - can reduce or prevent high blood pressure? In addition, weight loss, if you are overweight or obese, is a safe and effective way to lower blood pressure that is by high blood pressure diet.(read entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Health

Hpv Treatment    Submitted as: burhan
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a type of virus that infects humans that attacks the organs of a female body part seviks. Symptoms of the right (if any) people who experience will be based on the type of HPV because HPV alone has more than 100 species, and where infection occurred. Most people with HPV have no symptoms.(read entire article)
View : 200 Times
Category : Health

Ibs Diet    Submitted as: burhan
IBS is abdominal reaction to certain foods and there is no evidence that the digestion of food is different in those with IBS compared with those without IBS. Diet, food and food does not cause IBS. However, muscles and nerves are over-reactive in IBS. This can cause excessive intestinal response to stimuli.(read entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Health

Sciatica Treatment    Submitted as: burhan
Sciatica is the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which can cause pain in the lower back that often radiates to the back of the legs, calves, ankles, and toes. This can be very painful and you need a sciatica treatment to eliminate or at least reduce the pain.(read entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Health

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