Here's the recent articles submitted by wagensellerlaw wagensellerlaw
Articles By wagensellerlaw wagensellerlaw
Partnerships: What Are Your Legal Obligations?
Submitted as: Laine Wagenseller
Business partnerships are a source of numerous lawsuits. Business litigation attorneys are accustomed to hearing the complaints of one partner about another partner—my partner does not work as hard, my partner has another business that competes for his time(read
entire article)
View : 107 Times
Category : Legal
Real Estate Litigation 101: Easements
Submitted as: Laine Wagenseller
Neighbor boundary disputes and other real property litigation often involve claims of easements. Not even all real estate lawyers are clear on what constitutes an easement and how to establish a claim of easement. This article discusses what easements are and are not, and how to establish or defeat a claim for an easement.(read
entire article)
View : 120 Times
Category : Legal