Here's the recent articles submitted by damo nieheal
Articles By damo nieheal
Find A Fling With Eliteaffair
By: damo nieheal
The adult dating process seems to be iterative and it never stops even when you’re married. If you’re looking for married dating, casual encounters or one-nightstands, this is the place to be. Irrespective of whether you’re single or married or married and looking, you’ll always find a person who’s ready to do scandalous things with you.
The site’s stamp line goes “flirtatious fun for adultsâ€, and true to that statement, you can find people who’re just like you to simply meet and greet or to meet and cheat. It’s simple theory that you don’t want strings attached to your casual one night stands, and you don’t want to complicate things in illicit encounters – EliteAffair provides you with just what you want.
The first requirement is that you’ll have to be an adult, of course. While the website appertains to the dating system in the UK, if you’re ready for long distance relationships or travel long distances for encounters, you can sign up from anywhere on the globe. Anonymity is another thing that EliteAffair offers because complete user privacy is important to adult dating websites. Simply put, the basic membership is free, safe, and fun to use with a high degree of user privacy.
To get a basic membership on EliteAffair, you need to sign up as a free user, after which you’ll be able to meet hot, new people. You can send messages and gifts to people you like, and there’s another special feature called the wink. Sending naughty winks to other members make them realize that you’re attracted to them. If you see other members online, you can make use of the chat system to communicate with them real-time. The real time system displays a list of people that are logged in to their accounts at the same time as you. Apart from this, you have the option of creating a hotlist of all your favorite members.
Your profile can be spruced up to make it as interesting as possible; the more updated your profile is, the more members will be interested in it. EliteAffair offers unique features like members diaries to keep recording events, a real time chat system and profile customizations like photo and video uploads. To make use of all the site’s features, EliteAffair charges its members a basic monthly fee and offers a variety of services to ensure that you get what you want from the site. One of the best things about this site is that it encourages women to join in by giving them the elite membership free of cost.
With over 2 million members, it shouldn’t be hard to find the right people who are as interested in extra marital affairs as you. Whether it’s for casual dating or lonely housewives that you’re looking for, you can search for adult singles or married people by postcode. The website also features complete compatibility reports based on personality tests and star signs. EliteAffair boasts of a 24-7 telephone support in the UK.
Your first saucy message in this site could lead to a casual date, and eventually to hooking up with another single or a hot lonely housewife.(read
entire article)
View : 248 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance
Ind A Fling With Eliteaffair
By: damo nieheal
The adult dating process seems to be iterative and it never stops even when you’re married. If you’re looking for married dating, casual encounters or one-nightstands, this is the place to be. Irrespective of whether you’re single or married or married and looking, you’ll always find a person who’s ready to do scandalous things with you.
The site’s stamp line goes “flirtatious fun for adultsâ€, and true to that statement, you can find people who’re just like you to simply meet and greet or to meet and cheat. It’s simple theory that you don’t want strings attached to your casual one night stands, and you don’t want to complicate things in illicit encounters – EliteAffair provides you with just what you want.
The first requirement is that you’ll have to be an adult, of course. While the website appertains to the dating system in the UK, if you’re ready for long distance relationships or travel long distances for encounters, you can sign up from anywhere on the globe. Anonymity is another thing that EliteAffair offers because complete user privacy is important to adult dating websites. Simply put, the basic membership is free, safe, and fun to use with a high degree of user privacy.
To get a basic membership on EliteAffair, you need to sign up as a free user, after which you’ll be able to meet hot, new people. You can send messages and gifts to people you like, and there’s another special feature called the wink. Sending naughty winks to other members make them realize that you’re attracted to them. If you see other members online, you can make use of the chat system to communicate with them real-time. The real time system displays a list of people that are logged in to their accounts at the same time as you. Apart from this, you have the option of creating a hotlist of all your favorite members.
Your profile can be spruced up to make it as interesting as possible; the more updated your profile is, the more members will be interested in it. EliteAffair offers unique features like members diaries to keep recording events, a real time chat system and profile customizations like photo and video uploads. To make use of all the site’s features, EliteAffair charges its members a basic monthly fee and offers a variety of services to ensure that you get what you want from the site. One of the best things about this site is that it encourages women to join in by giving them the elite membership free of cost.
With over 2 million members, it shouldn’t be hard to find the right people who are as interested in extra marital affairs as you. Whether it’s for casual dating or lonely housewives that you’re looking for, you can search for adult singles or married people by postcode. The website also features complete compatibility reports based on personality tests and star signs. EliteAffair boasts of a 24-7 telephone support in the UK.
Your first saucy message in this site could lead to a casual date, and eventually to hooking up with another single or a hot lonely housewife.(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance
Why Merchant Accounts Can Benefit Your Business
By: damo nieheal
Businesses can increase their customer traffic and sales by be willing to accept major credit cards. When a customer walks by and sees the logos on your front door, they will be more likely to come in. Businesses often shy away from this because of hassle and expense, but this is no longer a problem when they open credit card merchant accounts.
Merchant credit card processing services can help the busy business owner, whether small or large, to handle the entire process for you. These accounts can be established in only a few minutes and you can be accepting plastic payment in a matter of several days. When you apply for merchant services of this type, you simply fill out an application and then get a personalized system set up for your company. This also doesn't cost you a fortune. Based on your company profile, based on your merchant account application, a personalized rate is also set for the services that you receive.
You also save money by having lower fees with credit card companies. Your business can also rent credit card terminals for swiping cards, which is useful for those in retail or restaurant businesses. Those who do their business on the go, the owner can rent a wireless terminal so that credit cards can be accepted wherever he or she may be. Those companies who do their business exclusively on the internet can also benefit from a credit card merchants account. The application can be filled out online, and subject to approval, the business can get started in a period of a few days.
Another convenience for the business owner is that they do not have to deal with numerous credit card companies. Their merchant account does all of this for them, making the process more efficient and takes much of the hassle out of taking payments for services or products. The owner can rest easy knowing that they can accept a customer's payment and have all the details handled in a professional manner behind the scenes.
The application process is simple, and the owner can either get approved on the spot or provide certain information for approval. This information includes: business earnings paperwork or a tax return, personal credit history and past credit card processing paperwork. Once approved, the process gets started to set the merchant up with equipment and their account for taking payments.
The best merchant accounts for credit card processing provide quality, professional service that makes it easy for the merchant to accept them. By establishing an account like this, your business will benefit both in savings on the bottom line and in time. You will no longer have to deal with different card companies, their various fees and related issues. You can now handle the entire affair with one, reliable service. This will make your business affairs more palatable and let you spend more time serving your customers.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Business
Twee Tandenborstels Op De Wastafel | Boskamp En Willems Advocaten
By: damo nieheal
Regelmatig wordt mij de vraag gesteld wanneer iemand mag ophouden met het betalen van partneralimentatie als degene voor wie wordt betaald een nieuwe relatie heeft. Enige tijd geleden sprak ik met een man die ongeveer vijf jaar eerder gescheiden was. Hij betaalde in het kader van de echtscheiding een partneralimentatie voor zijn ex-echtgenote. Via via was hij er achter gekomen dat zij een nieuwe relatie had gekregen. De man vermoedt dat zijn ex-vrouw inmiddels met haar nieuwe partner samenwoont.
Volgens de wet is het zo dat iemand samenwoont indien op dezelfde wijze als in een huwelijk wordt samengeleefd. Wanneer hiervan sprake is, is moeilijk te zeggen. In ieder geval is uit de vele procedures over dit onderwerp een aantal voorwaarden af te leiden: er moet sprake zijn van met elkaar samenwonen en het voeren van een gemeenschappelijke huishouding, men dient elkaar over en weer te verzorgen en de relatie dient bestendig te zijn. Indien is voldaan aan alle voorwaarden komt de partneralimentatie in principe direct te eindigen.
In de situatie van de man die mij om advies vroeg was erg onduidelijk of aan de voorwaarden werd voldaan. Wel duidelijk was dat de vrouw regelmatig met haar nieuwe partner op vakantie ging en dat hij regelmatig bleef slapen in de weekenden. Maar of er meer was dan enkel de “twee tandenborstels op de wastafel†was niet duidelijk. Uiteindelijk is besloten deze mevrouw een brief te sturen met daarin een verzoek aan haar om duidelijkheid te verschaffen over het al dan niet samenwonen met het oog op de alimentatieverplichtingen. Als antwoord werd gegeven dat op dit moment nog geen sprake was van samenwoning, maar dat dit over een aantal maanden wel zo zou zijn. In onderling overleg is vervolgens afgesproken op welke datum de man de betaling van de alimentatie definitief zou kunnen beëindigen.
In geval vermoedens bestaan van een samenwoning waarbij niet, zoals in dit geval, in onderling overleg tot afspraken kan worden gekomen, kan een procedure bij de rechtbank worden gestart waarin wordt verzocht om de alimentatieverplichting te beëindigen. Hierbij is het vaak lastig om te bewijzen dat sprake is van samenwoning. Aangezien een samenwoning leidt tot een definitief einde van de alimentatieverplichting, worden aan het bewijs zware eisen gesteld.
Alimentatie is een van de specialisaties van ons kantoor.
Mr. A.H. van Gerwen, sectie familie- en erfrecht
Dr. Holtroplaan 42 Eindhoven
T: 040-2501414 F: 040 250 14 50
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View : 262 Times
Category : Legal
How To Save Money On International Calls
By: damo nieheal
Few of us these days would want to be without our cell phone, but if you are planning a trip overseas, then you will need to look for a way to keep in touch with friends and family in the US while you are traveling that is both affordable and reliable. Fortunately, there are many options now available.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Travel
Natural And Safe Gout Remedies
By: damo nieheal
As with most medical disorders, gout is beginning to be treated by natural and more holistic remedies. One of the main reasons for such a demand for natural gout remedies is due to the fact that normal gout medications cause severe and sometimes debilitating side effects. Certain forms of these medications have harmful effects long term to patients who take them. Natural gout remedies are safe and usually have no side effects. In some cases, patients claim that natural gout remedies even work better than gout medications. But before going over certain remedies for gout, it is essential to understand what gout is.
Gout is a condition in which uric acid crystals form in the joints. This is caused when a patient can not properly excrete the uric acid in their system. Excessive uric acid can be the result of under-performing kidneys, an increase in uric acid production, or an increase in ingested foods that lead to the formation of uric acid. Doctors and patients who experience gout say that the most common side effect is pain in the big toe. Gout can also appear in hand and finger joints, knees, ankles, and other bones and joints associated with the foot.
The most horrifying fact about gout is that it can happen without much forewarning. Those who begin experiencing gout symptoms should seek treatment for it immediately. If gout is not treated it can lead to severe pain and even joint deformations. Some gout symptoms would include rapid and sometimes severe pain in the big toe, painful joints will appear swollen and red, fever and chills, and tender skin around the affected joint. Gout can cause pain for several days, with more severe cases lasting weeks. The inflammation associated with gout can lead to bursitis. Gout treatment should begin as soon as you start having any of these symptoms.
Causes for gout vary but may include being overweight, excessively drinking alcohol, having high blood pressure, and having low thyroid hormone levels. Drinking plenty of water is the first way to prevent gout since it allows your body to flush excess uric acid out of your system. Avoid foods that contain high levels of purines, since this can cause excess uric acid crystals in your body. Blueberries, lemon juice, and dairy foods are known to decrease the occurrence of gout.
There are several natural gout remedies that can be utilized to heal the horrendous symptoms associated with gout. Having the sufferer eat twenty to twenty-five fresh cherries a day will help keep the gout under control. Drinking vegetable juice containing 500ml of blended cucumbers, beets, and carrots can also be a sufficient natural remedy for gout.
The malic acid found in apples has been shown to neutralize the uric acid that is found around the joints of people who suffer from gout. Because of this fact, eating one apple after each meal a day will help control and get rid of gout. Lime juice is also found to be a solvent of uric acid. Drinking the juice of half a lime squeezed into a tall glass of cold water should be done twice a day. As stated before, many people who suffer from gout swear by these natural gout remedies as opposed to harmful gout medications.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Health
Say Goodbye To Gout
By: damo nieheal
When someone experiences a gout attack, it is the result of a build-up of uric acid in the blood, as well as uric acid deposits in the joints. Although once thought to be the disease of male nobility, gout can afflict anyone of any age. Its symptoms usually come on suddenly and can be extremely acute and painful.
What are the symptoms of gout? This chronic condition is characterized by searing pain in the joints, including the toes, often accompanied by inflammation, redness, fever, and nodules on the toes, hands or ears. After a week or two, symptoms begin to subside, followed by peeling of the skin around the affected areas. Gout is caused when there is an overproduction of uric acid or when the kidneys fail to adequately remove it from the bloodstream.
Successful gout treatment can be a complex undertaking. First, it is necessary that gout be diagnosed by a physician. Once the condition has been confirmed, there are a number of gout remedies a patient can use to minimize symptoms and even alleviate gout altogether. A number of lifestyle changes can be very helpful, including shedding excess weight, cutting back on alcohol and red meat, and decreasing the salt intake that can lead to hypertension. In addition, the patient’s doctor might recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or corticosteroids such as cortisone to lessen the debilitating pain often associated with gout.
While pain reduction is sometimes essential to alleviate a person’s discomfort, it does not actually get to the root of the problem. In fact, the medications designed to minimize your pain often have nasty side effects of their own. In an effort to help patients tackle the root cause of gout, a team of experts at Pacific Natural Remedies has dedicated countless hours compiling the natural gout remedies that have proven to be most effective in treating this painful disease. Believe it or not, the “Live Gout Free – Remedy Report†actually gives you a step by step treatment that can remove the symptoms of gout from your life forever. Amazingly, you need look no further than your local supermarket or health food store to find the six gout remedies that will help you to become gout-free.
Gout treatment does not have to mean a lifetime of dependence on medications that only mask the pain and do nothing to tackle the underlying problem of gout. If you commit to making some basic lifestyle changes and following the formula that has worked for so many gout sufferers, you will find permanent gout relief. The experts at Pacific Natural Remedies are so confident about the program they have developed that they will give you double your money back if you are not satisfied. So why not take control of banishing gout today? Visit After all, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.(read
entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Health
Treating Your Gout Effectively And Naturally
By: damo nieheal
With over 3,000,000 Americans suffering from gout, it is only logical that there would be great attempts to find the most effective, as well as safe, gout remedies possible. What you may not know, however, is that you can provide yourself with gout treatment, just by visiting your grocery store and purchasing healthy alternatives for the medicine given by the doctor. Although you may not feel that natural remedies could have the same effect as prescribed remedies, you are quite wrong as there are several natural treatments for gout that can be purchased right at your local market, saving you time, money, and securing safety through use.
Why Natural Gout Remedies?
When you are suffering from gout, you can experience extreme pain as your joints become inflamed. While a doctor will likely prescribe some sort of medication, there will be side effects and warnings for this medication, leaving you with another problem to worry about. At this point, you are already suffering from gout, relying on a medication to relieve the symptoms, only to be struck with more symptoms and even serious implications that could cause great danger to your health.
Most of these medications posing danger to your health will actually do nothing or very little to appease your disease. One medication may lead to a need for another and so on until you have a medicine cabinet full of prescriptions that you can’t even tell the difference in. The most common drugs prescribed for gout have actually been found to be minimally effective, as well as quite harmful in side effects.
• Corticosteroids
• Colchicine
For these reasons, there has been natural gout treatments designed to conquer the disease with true effectiveness, leaving medications and side effects behind. Just one visit to your grocery store or health foods store, and you can have all you need to cure your gout for good.
Filtering the Scams
Although you can find a great deal of information about natural gout treatment, you will find that many lead to scams in which you may be asked to purchase some sort of product that isn’t going to lead you to any sort of remedy. When you are seeking to abolish your symptoms, you definitely want something effective, not something that is going to leave you looking for the rest of the package, which likely doesn’t exist. Real natural gout remedies should create comfort and appease your disease, leaving you with the benefits of a clean and safe treatment that won’t come back to haunt you and cause more symptoms on top of your current symptoms.
Gout can be such a debilitating disease, leaving you in pain and unable to do simple tasks in life. Mobility becomes an issue and not only will your personal life suffer, but your career as well. Getting a prescription can not only be costly and time-consuming, but will leave you with drugs that may not be adequate in providing relief, while causing implications that may be undesired. Natural gout remedies can be a great way to enjoy your life again using the benefits of nature, leaving the artificial drugs behind, as well as the symptoms they cause.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Health
An End To The Devastation Of Gout
By: damo nieheal
Gout is an extremely painful form of arthritis from which millions of people needlessly suffer each day. Gout is caused by uric acid crystal deposits in the body due to excessive uric acid levels.
Gout usually affects the big toe first, but can affect other joints throughout the body as well. Gout causes intense burning pain in the affected areas.
Gout can run in the family. Gout occurs more often in men and those with a certain enzyme defect. In addition, weight can play a role. People who ingest too much alcohol and certain foods are prone to gout.
Gout can be triggered by stress, alcohol, and illness. Attacks usually last from three to ten days. The frequency of gout attacks vary with each person.
Gout treatment most commonly consist of medication. This seems to be the most traditional method in relieving gout. However, medications can be accompanied by unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects. As with any ailment, if we can find relief naturally or a holistic cure, our bodies are going to be healthier overall and thank us in the long run.
Gout remedies do exist. The problem is, most people rely solely on medical professions rather than seeking alternative treatments which have existed for centuries and still work to this day. In addition, natural gout remedies can benefit our bodies as a whole and provide long term benefits rather than temporary relief that may or may not gradually damage our bodies. In our society today, we seek a quick fix, when in reality sometimes a quick fix leads to additional problems, robbing us of our precious time and money. There are ways in which we can heal naturally and live a wholesome life, free of pain and discomfort.
In addition to natural healing, nutrition and diet play a vital role in avoiding gout attacks. There are specific foods that should be avoided by those prone to and afflicted with gout.
There is hope. We have the experience and knowledge to help you put an end to suffering from gout. It would take the average person years of study and knowledge to put together what we have available now. We have the answer ready and at your fingertips, risk free.
Don't suffer through another attack or another day! We have the tools to help. We have the knowledge which has already helped a number of people who have struggled for years to control their gout.
Stop wasting your time and money on gout treatments which only provide temporary relief, leaving you to worry about the next attack. Our system is tried, tested, and proven. We guarantee you will be gout free after trying our methods or your money back. There is nothing to lose. To add to the value, we have included several free bonus items in addition to continuous support and guidance. We hope you will not waste another moment. Help is finally here.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Health
Eating Right Is Essential In Management Of Gout
By: damo nieheal
Eating right is essential in management of gout(read
entire article)
View : 227 Times
Category : Health