Here's the recent articles submitted by cofsils india
Articles By cofsils india
How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat?
Submitted as: cofsilsindia
In a time when pollution is at its peak and one can't escape the dust particles, you are bound to be affected by a sore throat.(read
entire article)
View : 290 Times
Category : Health
Sore Throat Treatment That Always Helps
By: cofsils india
Sometimes, all you have to do get rid of the dry throat is to hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water at regular intervals. Sipping on warm water is considered to be a great reliever too.(read
entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : General
Bye Bye Sore Throat!
Submitted as: Cofsil
Given the weather and the recent outburst of the life-threatening pandemic, dry throat is more common now than before. A dry throat or a dry throat condition is often caused due to head cold/ cold jammed in ones head (maybe due to sinus), dehydration, or sleeping with the mouth open, especially during the winter season. Successful home treatments/home remedies include drinking/consuming warm/ luke-warm liquids, such as kaadha or hot tea, and sucking on throat lozenges better known as throat repair candies.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Service
4 Ways To Treat Cold And Sore Throat At Home
Submitted as: Cofsils
All of us suffer from bouts of cold every now and then. These can be brought on by allergies, flus or bacterial infection and while they're easily treated, they do tend to get annoying to deal with. Your sleep cycle gets interrupted, too much coughing can cause a strain on your throat and you might even risk infecting people around you if it's viral or bacterial.(read
entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Health
Dry Cough And Its Causes
Submitted as: Cofsil
Coughing is probably one of the most common problems the human body suffers from. While some coughing can be minor which goes away on its own, some bouts of coughing can linger behind making it difficult to talk or even just function normally.(read
entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Others
Cofsils - The Complete Solution For Sore Throat
Submitted as: Cofsils
Acid reflux is fairly common in adults all around the world and is harmless in most cases and patients. It occurs when stomach acids are pushed into the esophagus which is called the food pipe of the body. It carries food and drinks from our mouth to the stomach.(read
entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : Health
Side Effects Of Smoking On Your Body
Submitted as: Cofsils
Smoking's bad, there's no simpler way to say it. It can lead to a lot of health complications and also long-term effects on your body. The side-effects can be something as small as dry throat to something a lot more serious like cancer. It doesn't just affect your lungs, but it also wreaks havoc on your whole body and mental health.(read
entire article)
View : 634 Times
Category : Others
Effective Home Remedies For Throat Infection
Submitted as: Cofsils
A very common type of viral infection, throat infection can affect everybody irrespective of age and gender. Everybody has been affected by this at some point in their life. Everybody in some stage of life is affected by this disease. More often, it is seen in children because they tend to eat a number of chocolates and all other sorts of sweets that lead them to suffering. Most of the times, chronic throat infection occurs due to allergies or poor immunity system of the body. There are number of reasons behind this and its very first impact is often on the voice box.
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Health
Herbal Remedies For Cough
Submitted as: Cofsil
Coughing is one of the essential actions that helps clear the airways and throat. For real, it is a clear skin that the body is functioning properly, thanks to the fact that it has the ability to defend the body from irritants coming from the lungs, throat and other functioning of the respiratory tract. However, there are also times when coughing is caused due to environmental irritants like smoke, dust and other allergens. Based on the ayurvedic theory, there are 5 varieties of cough – kaphaja, pittaja, vataja, kshayaja and kshataja. Each type of cough comes with its own identifying characteristics, causative factors and its own treatment.
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Health
Seasonal Illnesses; Cough, Cold And Everything In Between
Submitted as: Cofsil
As the seasons change, the tendencies of falling ill increases ten-fold. With the cosy beginning of December, and the beginning of the cold breeze, comes the week-long sneezes, and sore throat.(read
entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : General