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Articles By thespero clinic

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Options For Ehlers-danlos Syndrome Treatment    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a hereditary disease. There are different types of EDS, but they all have some symptoms in common, such as elastic skin and loose joints that bruises easily. Even though these common symptoms, each type of EDS have a particular sign. For example, the symptoms of the classical type of EDS are mainly elastic skin and loose joints, whereas the symptoms of vascular EDS are generally thin elastic skin.(read entire article)
View : 519 Times
Category : Fitness

Epstein Barr Disease Treatment    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
The Epstein Barr virus (EBV) is the main cause of Epstein Barr Disease and commonly called glandular fever or mononucleosis. The disease is most common in young adults and teenagers, while it can occur in children and the old age people. Most people have had Epstein Barr Disease by age 40.(read entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Health

Causes Of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (crps)    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a rare nerve ailment. It's symptoms generally causes severe pain, and the affected areas may be hands, legs, feet, and arms. It normally occurs after a serious injury to the nerve or tissue of the affected areas. The illness is also called Causalgia. The pain often spreads to the entire leg or arm. Some of the changes occur in the affected areas, like changes in the temperature and color of the skin of the affected limb. Other symptoms also comprise intense burning pain, skin sensitivity, sweating, and swelling.(read entire article)
View : 424 Times
Category : Fitness

Facts About Complex Regional Pain Syndrome    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
This disease is not common, but it is chronic. It generally affects women between the ages group of 40 to 60. The primary signs are mild, but the symptoms are predominant, and the doctors confirm it through blood tests, MRI scans, etc. The early symptom experienced is a burning feeling in one of the legs or arms, and this part becomes hypersensitive in a period. The pain reaches intolerable levels, and sometimes in rare cases, it causes muscle atrophy. The patients often describe the pain to a physician as a combination of electric shocks with a severe burning sensation.(read entire article)
View : 567 Times
Category : Health

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Without Surgery    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Sciatic Pain or Pain from sciatica can be unbearable, and can even be disrupting to everyday living. Sciatic pain is generally caused by a body structure compressing or pressing on the sciatic nerve. Numerous people who suffer from this pain think "how to get relief from sciatic nerve pain without surgery." Though surgical involvement may be recommended for intractable pain, or pain that is not released with other treatments, there are several treatments that can be recommended for sciatic nerve pain relief without surgery.(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Health

Treatment For Epstein Barr Syndrome    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Epstein Barr Syndrome is transmitted by direct contact with virus-infected saliva, mostly through kissing, though it can be picked up from eating utensils, sharing drinks, and lipsticks, etc., or through blood transfusions. The disease is most common in youngsters. The majority of people have had it by age 40. Children can pick it up, and in these cases, it can be passed off as the flu or cold virus. When EBV arises in patients over 40, the symptoms can be prolonged or more enervating.(read entire article)
View : 451 Times
Category : Health

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - Rsd    Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
RSD or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is a neurological ailment that causes many people to suffer a deep burning sensation in the skin, muscles, joints, and bones. The cause often confuses scientists and doctors, but most people that suffer from RSD have had amenable immobilizations, sprains, heart attacks, sports injuries, or head injuries that ended with broken bones.(read entire article)
View : 281 Times
Category : Health

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