Here's the recent articles submitted by samantha dale
Articles By samantha dale
Nominaties Narrowcoach Brancheaward | Management Instituut Nederland
By: samantha dale
De nominaties voor de NarrowCoach BrancheAward (NCBA) zijn bekend. De NCBA is een prijs die jaarlijks wordt uitgereikt aan het waterschap dat zich het meest flexibel heeft opgesteld en een natuurlijke drang heeft naar nieuwe ontwikkelingen. Management Instituut Nederland heeft hierbij gekeken naar de innovativiteit van waterschappen op onderzoeksgebied en daarnaast naar de gebruikte toepassingen van de NarrowCoach.
Waar vorig jaar Waterschap de Dommel, met name vanwege hun gebruik en toepassing van de aanbestedingsindex met de prijs aan de haal ging, zijn de genomineerden van dit jaar Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland, Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden en het hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland. Om de NCBA te winnen moet er uiteraard aan een aantal voorwaarden worden voldaan:
1. De mate waarin de organisatie er zelf in is geslaagd om innovatief onderzoek te verrichten ten opzichte van de branche waarin zij werkzaam is;
2. De mate van technische complexiteit c.q. toepasbaarheid van het onderzoeksdashboard NarrowCoach;
3. De wijze waarop het onderzoeksproces is verlopen.
De jury zal de drie genomineerden beoordelen om uiteindelijk tot een winnaar te komen. Hieronder ziet u een korte beschrijving van de genomineerden en wat zij het afgelopen jaar hebben gedaan:
Hoogheemraadschap de Stichtse Rijnlanden
Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden heeft afgelopen jaar als eerste waterschap gebruik gemaakt van het Leveranciers BeoordelingsProgramma (LBP), waarmee zij de prestaties van al hun leveranciers op structurele wijze konden monitoren en vervolgens direct stappen konden ondernemen om de prestaties van deze leveranciers te verbeteren.
Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland
Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland is het afgelopen jaar twee verschillende onderzoeken gestart. Met behulp van de aanbestedingsindex, hebben zij eenvoudig de tevredenheid omtrent offerte- en (Europese) aanbestedingstrajecten kunnen monitoren, alsmede aan gebruikers kunnen rapporteren. Daarnaast heeft ook Delfland met gebruik van het LBP de tevredenheid van hun medewerkers over hun leveranciers in kaart gebracht.
Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland
Rijnland heeft het afgelopen jaar verscheidene in- en externe KTO’s met behulp van de NarrowCoach uitgevoerd. Daarnaast hebben zij er voor gekozen een digipanel in te zetten bestaande uit burgers, bedrijven en andere belanghebbenden. Met behulp van dit digipanel monitoren zij met regelmaat de mening van verschillende stakeholders over verscheidene uiteenlopende onderwerpen. Vanwege het succes van dit panel staan er naast de acht reguliere KTO’s, voor het komende jaar ook vier digipanelonderzoeken op het programma.(read
entire article)
View : 315 Times
Category : Service
Interieurstylist | Van Den Berg Design Uw Partner En De Beste Interieurstylist
By: samantha dale
Wat zijn de verschillende elementen van een kamer en hoe creëert u een totaalplaatje? Een interieur bestaat uit veel meer dan slechts de meubels. Licht, materialen, kleuren en vormen zijn belangrijke elementen die een toegevoegde waarde geven aan een ruimte. Binnenhuis architect en interieurstylist Toine van den Berg, kan u helpen bij zowel het totaalconcept als bij het zetten van de puntjes op de i.
Van den Berg Design interieurarchitectuur geeft reeds jaren deskundig interieur advies aan zowel particulieren als commerciële instellingen. Interieur advies zorgt ervoor dat de beoogde resultaten worden bereikt door gezamenlijk uw wensen en doelen door te nemen. Soms wilt u alleen een ruimte retoucheren en soms kan het nodig zijn een interieur helemaal te verbouwen. Het is de taak van interieurstylist en binnenhuis architect Toine van den Berg om u daarbij te helpen!
Een interieurstylist is uiteraard altijd op de hoogte van de laatste trends. Tegenwoordig staan balans, welzijn, rust, comfort en symmetrie hoog op de verlanglijstjes van klanten. Een harmonieus geheel biedt rust. Interieurstylisten geven deskundig interieur advies, kijken naar uw wensen en integreren die in uw woon- en werkomgeving. Hierdoor kunt u erop rekenen dat uw woning of kantoor helemaal bij u en uw werknemers past.
Voor meer informatie over onze binnenhuis architecten, interieurstylisten, Toine van den Berg of interieur advies voor particulieren, hotels en bedrijven, kijkt u op
entire article)
View : 333 Times
Category : Home Based Business
Guide To The Tahitian Pearl
By: samantha dale
Some many different types of pearls exist that come from around the world. One type of pearl that is truly unique and beautiful is the Tahitian Peal. This particular kind of pearl is often referred to as a natural black pearl. The Tahitian pearl can be put into various pieces of jewellery to create special pieces of jewellery that people will enjoy. The pearls can be round or baroque.
While this pearl is usually referred to as a black pearl it actually comes in various shades of black and greys. The Tahitian pearl can also have streaks or hints of red, green, or blue in the pearl. This gem is often very special because of the lustrous appearance and shine they present. The combination of other colours with the natural black mix together to create these unique colours. Tahitian pearls are classified into three main categories, light grey, dark grey, and peacock. The pearls that fall in the peacock category are often the most expensive of all the Tahitian pearls.
Because of the unique and special attraction these pearls can attract, they are used in a variety of pieces including necklaces, pendants or earrings. Some of the most sought after Tahitian pearls have swirls of green that interact with the blacks and shades of grey to form pearls that are unlike any other on the market today. Matching these pearls to create extended length pieces is often hard to do because of the uniqueness of the pearl. However, the finished pearl jewellery is a sight to behold.(read
entire article)
View : 363 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
A Guide To Pearl Colour
By: samantha dale
Pearls are one of the oldest and most treasured forms of gems that people have enjoyed throughout the ages. If you are looking for a piece of jewellery made of pearls, you should be aware of a few things including how colour ratings work. Three important characteristics that make up the colour include Overtone, Orient, and Bodycolour.
The predominant colour of the pearl is known as the Bodycolour. It is often created by the type of mollusc the pearl comes from. The type of tissue and water conditions can also influence this final colour. Overtone refers to the colours that show on the pearl that changes the bodycolour of the pearl. Each pearl will also shimmer with other colours that seem to be hidden just below the surface. This part of the colour is referred to as the Orient. As the pearl is moved or turned, the Orient colour may appear to be changing. Depending on how the pearl is handled, different colours may seem to be possible.
Lustre is another aspect that is important when choosing a pearl. Lustre for pearls can range from AAA, AA+, AA, and A+. Most people feel that the lustre of the pearl is more important than the actual colour. As the light travels through the shell of the pearl, certain parts of the light are reflected back. This is what lustre refers to. When you see a glow to the pearl this is also an example of its lustre. Pearls with a higher lustre are sought after for this luminous glow.(read
entire article)
View : 386 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
A Guide To Fresh Water Pearls
By: samantha dale
Pearls are formed from an irritant such as a piece of sand that finds itself into a form of mollusc such as an oyster. The oyster secretes a substance known as nacre. One type of pearl that exhibits some of the most amazing colours is the freshwater pearl. The freshwater pearl is any pearl that is created organically from a freshwater mollusc. This type of pearl is often very popular because of the unique and consistent colours they come in. Some of the most common include peach, pink and lavender colours.
The pastel colours are so vibrant that special unique pieces of creative necklaces can be designed to meet almost any particular need. One interesting aspect of freshwater pearls is that very few of the pearls come in a near round shape. Most of the pearls can be found in a slightly oval shape although about two percent of the freshwater pearls that are harvested can be found in this classic shape. The others are usually oval or baroque in shape. The freshwater pearl is often the gem of choice because of its price as well.
Some people might prefer the Akoya pearl because it is so similar to the freshwater pearl. However, the freshwater pearl is often less expensive because the oyster can produce up to forty pearls versus the five that an Akoya oyster can. At one time the Akoya was considered the best but many people are now recognizing the value of picking a freshwater pearl that cannot be distinguished from the Akoya.(read
entire article)
View : 442 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Understanding Pearls
By: samantha dale
Pearls come in two primary categories. They can be genuine or imitation pearls. The imitation pearl is any pearl that is created often from taking a glass bead and covering it with a mixture known as pearl essence. The imitation (faux) pearls can also be broken down into three other categories. The regular faux pearl, Mallorca Pearls, and Mother of Pearl are each one of the terms that refers to an imitation pearl. Mallorca Pearls are often the higher end imitation pearls. The Mother of Pearl gem is created by taking a shell, cutting it and polishing it to create the imitation pearl.
Genuine pearls can be cultured, natural, or Akoya pearls. Some people mistake cultured pearls as imitation because this type of pearl is forced by people and not by allowing a natural occurrence. Irritants are placed in an oyster to stimulate the production of a pearl. However, the process is still done as nature intended and the cultured pearl is genuine. A natural pearl refers to the accidental process of creating a pearl through normal causes. This is the most common of any genuine pearls. The Akoya pearls are grown from the Akoya oyster and are the final term that you may find associated with genuine pearls.
Some pearls may be freshwater, Tahitian, South Sea, or Hanadama. These specific names refer to places the pearls come from or are often harvested from. If you are considering the purchase of any type of pearl jewellery, you should learn as much as you can about one of the most desired gems in the world, the pearl.(read
entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Check If Your Pearls Are Genuine
By: samantha dale
There are three important things to do in order to help you find out if your pearls are the real thing. Of course, you should consider testing the pearls. You can use the 'tooth' test where you rub the pearl against your tooth to see if it feels like sandpaper. If it does, this probably means that it is real. You can also rub two of the pearls against each other to see if the texture is gritty in nature. A professional can also help you to determine the validity of the pearl but it can prove expensive to do so.
Second, check the paperwork that comes with the pearls to see what kind of guarantee it might have. The paperwork can help you to learn where the pearls come from and more about the possible quality of the pearl. Understanding the many different terms that are associated with the sale and purchase of a pearl can go a long way to helping people from making a bad choice or decision. You do not have to spend a great deal of money if you take a little time and effort to follow these suggestions.
Most people are not an expert in recognizing pearls but by asking questions, checking the paperwork, using the 'tooth' test and recognizing the terminology used in the paperwork is essential to allowing you to make an educated decision about the gems value. Do not forget that even if the pearl is real its value is still affected by a number of other factors.(read
entire article)
View : 376 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
How To Test Pearls
By: samantha dale
Some people think that a pearl that is grown or cultivated means the pearl is not real. A cultured pearl is one that is grown from a pearl farm but it is still a real pearl. An imitation pearl is often something covered with a substance to give it the look of a pearl. Next, colour is applied to the pearl-like gem. These colours are often artificial in nature and are chosen because they look very pretty and can attract people to the imitation gem. The Majorca Pearl is a very well known imitation pearl that is really just a glass bead that has been covered with pearl essence and then finished.
Imitation pearls when created right can be difficult to tell. One method that can be used is known as the 'tooth test.' It is important to remember that this test is a simple one and not always one hundred percent reliable. What you do is take the pearl and rub it against your tooth. If you believe that it feels like sandpaper, you probably have a real pearl on your hands. It might seem like a contradiction in terms but even though you should feel a rough feeling like sandpaper, the real pearl will have a smooth finish. You can use this as a quick way to test any pearl you might be considering.
The best way to be sure is to take your pearl to a professional such as a jeweller who can perform more extensive test to determine its state.(read
entire article)
View : 308 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
House Of Pearl Guide To South Seas Pearls
By: samantha dale
If you are a fan of the TV show, The Simpsons, you might have noticed the Simpson women always wear a strand of perfect white pearls around their necks. No matter what the occasion, this white pearl necklace is a perfect accessory. If you have wondered what kind of pearl it might be, the South Sea pearl is the most likely one.
South Sea Pearls come in two distinct colour types. Most often the South Sea pearl comes in a shade of gold or white. This type of pearl can also be broken down into light, medium, and dark shades of these two primary colours. The pearl can often be found in sizes that can range from ten to fifteen millimetres. As with some other pearls, finding perfectly round South Sea pearls can be difficult since most are formed in a semi-round state. More than seventy percent of these gems come in other shapes including off-round, drop, button, ringed, and baroque.
As its name would imply, the South Sea pearls come from Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines. The pearls were first found in a shark off the coast of Australia and were almost overlooked because of their size. Not long after that, the largest bed of oyster ever found was discovered off the coast of Australia. Divers found enough South Sea Pearls to make it commercially viable to market these pearls to the world. Eventually, this form of the pearl gained in popularity because of the unique jewellery that was created for many of the richest people in the world.(read
entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Violin For Sale In Great Varieties And Reasonable Price
By: samantha dale
Violin in itself is a beautiful musical instrument that shares great rhythm and vibes. Playing violin is of course a dream of many music lovers around. In fact, violin has proved to be one of the demanding music instruments that people love to learn it today. There are many things to take care upon while learning violin like perfect grip of the bow, soft playing on strings and many more. Therefore I suggest buying an affordable violin for sale instead of spending dollars on original brand for violin or viola.
Online sites are in great boom these days because of both the sales and popularity of their products. Buying online brings in lots of benefits and facilities like free shipping or free home delivery including flexible return and exchange policies. Violin or viola for sale is available online in affordable ranges that help to deal with the best purchasing offer.
What are the different varieties of violin available online?
PRO, Master piece violin, Top Grades violin, Stradivarius violin, Birds eye violin, white violin and many more different types of violins are available for sale online with 50% discount. Apart from that online site offers great varieties of violin bows, viola bows, cello bows, Bass bows and carbon fiber violin bow for sale. It is just incredible to find lots of varieties of bows, cellos and violas for sale online in the same affordable range.
Online sites for violin accessories and cello for sale:
The sites that brings a deal of online violin and violas online also help with violin accessories like violin cases, cello cases, viola cases, shoulder rest and parts. Buying all these accessories online save your money up to 50% than buying the same products from the market stores. In short, online sites aid with great violin products and accessories for less than the market price.
How to find the best online site for violin or viola for sale?
Reading reviews is one of the best ways to know about the site’s credit and popularity. Online site that gives maximum customer satisfaction can be considered as the best website for purchasing violin or its accessories. Moreover for learners or beginners, online site is the best option to purchase affordable violins.
Violin has increased its popularity since last many years because of which the prices are reaching heights. Therefore I suggest online website for getting violin or viola in discount rates.(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Business
