Here's the recent articles submitted by marcello records
Articles By marcello records
The Twofold Significance Of Mount Horeb, The Mountain Of God
Submitted as: Split Rock of Horeb
The word of God refers us to a mountain and this mountain is called by two different names, Mount Horeb or Mount Sinai.(read
entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Others
The World Was Then
Submitted as: Perfect Law of Liberty
We read in verse six where the earth was overflowed with water perished. Why and when did this happen? Jeremiah describes in the fourth chapter of his book what had happened to the earth after God had created it. It tells us of a katabolic, a Greek word meaning the casting down, or the overthrow of the earth after God had created it. Katabolic is an interpretation of the English word for foundation. This expression is used ten times in the New Testament. Matthew 13:35; John 17:24; 1st Peter 1:20 are just a few scriptures that emphasize the importance of these verses.(read
entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : General
Law Of Liberty Vs Bible
Submitted as: Sixth Day Creation
The ministry enhances this through the messages they preach about the world today and the world tomorrow. In some means, maximum ceremonies implicate crime, which can provoke us into slavery. James, however, names the Ten Commandments "the ordinance of liberty" (James 2:12). By protecting them, we stay free of enslavement to Satan and this nation. On the Sabbath, God instructs His people through His Word about how to keep His commandments and thus stay free.(read
entire article)
View : 413 Times
Category : Music
What Is The Law Of Liberty
Submitted as: Sheet Music Maker
The ideal liberty discovered in Christ fulfills the “perfect regulation” of the Old Testament because Christ becomes the only one who could. Those who come to Him in religion now have freedom from sin's bondage and are capable of obeying God. Christ alone can set us free and supply us true liberty (John 8:36).(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : General
The Premises Of The Exodus
Submitted as: An Interpretation of the Exodus
Purchase and download a MP3 of an interpretation of the Exodus and how god hears the transformation from peace to their New Land. Visit and download MP3.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : General
The Sixth Day Creation
Submitted as: Mount Horeb Bible
I have indicated somewhere else that the symbolism presented in the scriptural creation account is utilized in portraying both the advancement of the country of Israel and the improvement of the individual conceived again devotee. The Bible depicts each of the three as creation forms. Moreover, the symbolism shows up in generally a similar request in every one of these split rock at Horeb. That proposes the request wherein occasions happen in the Genesis creation account is resolved more by profound contemplations than recorded ones.(read
entire article)
View : 406 Times
Category : Music
How To Choose The Best Sheet Music Maker For Beginners?
Submitted as: Split Rock at Horeb
Piano teachers are aware of the fact that someday a student will ask them to play a melody out of their method book. The students of the 1st and 2nd year are usually unable to play the problematic sections of a song. Being a teacher, it is a difficult challenge to find a suitable Split Rock of Horeb music sheets for the piano students. Every kind of songs, these days inhibits both natural, and difficulty levels or just has a steep section in the play, such songs are offered at Marcellorecords.(read
entire article)
View : 365 Times
Category : General