Here's the recent articles submitted by kaye marks
Articles By kaye marks
A Peek At Environment-friendly Gas Cans
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Owning a vehicle does not only give you the credit of making the roads alive. In addition, you are among those millions of people that are credited, in an opposite way, to the worsening situation of the environment.(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Automobiles
Unleash Your Mean Machine Using Quality Hummer Parts And Accessories
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Fierceness is what the Hummer is all about. This vehicle is for people like you who dare to catch other’s fleeting look. Its engine power hoax will make other vehicles even smaller because the moment you rev up your Hummer, you will suddenly be transported in a desolate place in a jungle where mad lions growl like a king.
The Hummer feed your hunger for excitement on an off-road cruise because its vigor endures all types of terrain. Wherever you are and whatever the season is, Hummer will never let you down.
Hummer is equipped with high-performing parts and great accessories that partake to reach the first-rate performance. Hummer parts and accessories were all meticulously engineered to bring one quality ride that will be remembered for so long.
Brush guards, tail light covers, and running boards are just some of many amazing Hummer accessories to name a few. They are intended to add functionality and aggressive look. You may want to give credit to the high-flow cold air intake Hummer parts with an exhaust headers set that sounds like a giant. Because of astonishing Hummer parts, superb horsepower and torque have become matchless.
The Hummer parts also come with devices such as oxygen sensors and catalytic converter that helps in reducing safer exhaust gas emissions so as not to raze the atmosphere. Aside from that, it is full with safety features like seat belts, suspension gears, and specified automotive lights to shun you away from accidents.
Going back to Hummer accessories, there are many embellishments like floor guards and cargo liners that you can add to improve its interior design. There are also vent visors, and different styles of grilles that can boost its exterior appearance. Hummer accessories are easily found in the auto market, but choose only those that give benefits.
The only drawback is, once you own a Hummer, you will need to reconstruct your garage to provide a wider space. However, you may just let your hummer stay outside your house façade since it is fixed with gadgets and accessories that automatically alarm when an intruder strikes. Moreover, there is nothing wrong in showing-off your Hummer. Let them watch you pamper your vehicle.
Kay Zetkin writes information about everything on wheels. Get help in finding top-of-the-line Hummer parts and accessories.(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Automobiles
Only The Best Jeep Parts And Accessories For You
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
When you first drove your jeep, for sure you were amazed with the perfect condition of its parts and accessories. That could also be the reason why you purchased it in the first place.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Automobiles
Enjoy More Of The Air With Jeep Soft Tops
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Do you own a jeep? Probably, you enjoy most of your time in it while on the road as it comes so versatile. Why not? What other vehicle could you find that gives you a showcase of freedom as to what kind of ride experience you would want to achieve?(read
entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Automobiles
Essential Points To Remember In Buying Bike Racks
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Are you passionate about biking? Well then, you must make sure that your bike is in perfectly good condition especially when you still have to drive your bike towards a cycling area.(read
entire article)
View : 268 Times
Category : Automobiles
Protect Yourself And Your Vehicle From Bugs!
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Have you experienced regularly driving through the southern US area? Well then, you would know that your vehicle would end up being well acquainted with bugs and other insects, and many of them, too. In minutes, your windshield may easily cloud over due to bugs splattering through it.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Automobiles
Identifying And Knowing Diesel Performance
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Do you have any idea what diesel performance is and what it means? In contrast to the connotation this complex term gives us, its definition is actually quite simple. Diesel performance refers to the power and increased performance being delivered by the diesel-powered vehicles of the recent times.(read
entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Automobiles
The Essence Of A Vehicle's Exhaust System
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Your car is composed of various and numerous systems, parts and components. These are all designed to work together so that the car or any kind of engine-powered vehicle would run efficiently. One of the integral parts of a vehicle’s over-all component is the exhaust system.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Automobiles
The Evolution Of Fabtech Lifts
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
There have been days when the desert rats tried to change their rigs using add – a – leafs and axle blocks. But those days were bygone and now, suspension lift kits for vehicles have already evolved developmentally and came a long way from what they used to be.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Automobiles
Go Online And Look For Auto Parts And Accessories
Submitted as: Kay Zetkin
Do you have a domestic or import car? Or perhaps a SUV or a truck? Whatever kind of automobile you have, surely you are concerned with finding the best auto parts and accessories that would complement it. It can be pretty tiring indeed to make rounds and go to stores and shops just to look for the best with the most competitive prices.(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Automobiles