Here's the recent articles submitted by kaye marks
Articles By kaye marks
Three Main Stages Of Commercial Printing
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Do you ever wonder what goes on in every printed material that gets to your hands? It could be a colored flyer, a brochure, or a catalog. Whatever it is, it has gone through a machine called a commercial printer, also known as the offset printer.(read
entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Marketing
How To Be Successful In Commercial Printing
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Commercial printing can be a complicated business because it is not just the mere buying and selling of things. It requires sales, marketing, customer relations, creative work, editing, technical, and eventually logistics.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Marketing
How To Find A Job In The Printing Industry
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Are you looking for a job because you either are a new graduate or just recently laid-off? Many people have been affected because of the recession everywhere in the world and the people who are in need of jobs are increasing every day.(read
entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Marketing
Work First Then Start Your Own Business
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
You may probably be an employee right now in a commercial printing business, doing printing jobs or handling something at the finishing department. You want to get out and make a better life for yourself and your family.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Marketing
Smart Ways To Deal With A Commercial Printing Company
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Do not just blindly follow around the instructions that a commercial printing company gives you. If you want to get the most out of your commercial printer, you will want to be smart in dealing with them.(read
entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : Marketing
The Items On Your Heatset Printing Checklist
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Before beginning with the heatset printing process, you should go through this very important checklist. You would not want to waste your money on heat set web printing that is not set properly with the right design and specifications.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Marketing
Prepare Your Drafts Properly For Sheetfed Printing
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
You cannot print good quality materials through sheetfed printing if you do not prepare your drafts properly. Even if you hired a great sheet fed printer for the job, they will still be stuck working with the material you sent them.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Marketing
Your Document Checklist For Offset Printing
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Here is the important checklist that you must remember for offset printing. Any long run printing jobs must really be done with the proper preparations and accurate configurations.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Marketing
Are Your Designs Ready For Business Printing?
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
Are you truly sure that your design is ready for business printing? Many people actually make the grave mistake of only thinking that their designs already, but in truth it is not.(read
entire article)
View : 232 Times
Category : Marketing
Characteristics Of A Good Design For Commercial Printing
Submitted as: Kaye Z. Marks
You better check your designs again and analyze precisely if they are good enough for commercial printing. Believe me, lots of newcomers and even relative professionals can sometimes miss checking and tweaking their designs.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Marketing