Here's the recent articles submitted by rishikeshnath yogshala
Articles By rishikeshnath yogshala
Yoga And Pranayama For High Blood Pressure
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Yoga is a solution to many of the health problems. It is easy to manage and control body problems with the help of asana and pranayama. This actually has a huge impact on us. With its outstanding benefits, it has become one of the topmost game. Mainly in the case of high blood pressure, it has seemed to be very effective.(read
entire article)
View : 223 Times
Category : Health
Yoga Makes You Healthy And Happy Life
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Sometimes in life, you may feel trapped. No matter what you do, you cannot seem to come out of a difficult phase and move forward. It feels like your feet are stuck in concrete, and each way you turn to, the doors are closed, friends turn their back, and you alone feel alone and lost. During such moments, you may search for expert support or join a support group.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Health
The Difference Between Hatha Yoga & Power Yoga
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Yoga is one of the important parts of the life of an individual. It has numerous benefits that can help in setting up our lives in a correct manner. However, there is a different type of yoga that really be existent in this world. Before going any more, let us know what actual yoga is.(read
entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Fitness
Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
If the shoulders and upper back muscles feel stiff and your neck area is tight, then you are not alone as many people suffer from the same. In this hectic life that we lead 24x7, many people get worried and feel a sort of load on their shoulders. The long hours we spend sitting during a day, generally due to activities such as driving or working on a computer, causes postural stress, which can lead to severe neck pain.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Fitness
Find The Real Meaning Of Yoga By Going For A Yoga Teacher Training Course
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
If you are experiencing the art of yoga from the previous few years and want to take your yoga practice to the next level, then finding a yoga teacher training course is the right decision for you. Yoga teachers are doing a great job of making others realize the real purpose of life. If you have known your change naturally and want to share this feeling with others,(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Health
Yoga Teacher Training And Yoga Certification
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
These days, there are so many choices for Yoga teacher certification, that it might be good to get an overview of Yoga teacher training courses first.
Online Yoga Teacher Training classes are generally held at Yoga studios and can last somewhere from one week to one month, depending on the intensity of the material covered. These Yoga training sessions may meet up every weekend or for weeks in series.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Health
Perspectives And Opportunities Of Yoga Teacher Training In India
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Philosophical viewpoints
The art of Yoga in ancient India was being practiced since the Vedic age. This persistent knowledge of self-realization is having its origins in Samkhya Philosophy of sage Kapila. This principle is a more significant impact on the field of philosophy and psychology to have an understanding of the causation. On this background of metaphysics of Samkhya, Maharshi Patanjali later methodically developed the Ashtanga Yoga. Yoga loudly speaks the same with clear benefits of Yoga in the form decrease of impurities and the achievement of the discriminating wisdom. The training programs in India will contain the essential philosophical principles which are helpful to progress the supportable Yogic practice with its basic aim and objects of attaining health and happiness through the harmony in life.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Fitness