Here's the recent articles submitted by max hayden
Articles By max hayden
Go And Buy Some Sunglasses Because The Future Is Bright For This Mixologist!
By: max hayden
Never heard of DJ/ Producer Goshva? You will. In most histories of techno, the musics geopolitical axis comprises Detroit, Berlin and the UK.(read
entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : Music
Lighting And Sound Deck Out At 165 Wentworth St Surry Hills
By: max hayden
165 Wentworth St Surry Hills has been home to many a club night, salsa dancing classes and even comedy nights. Sasha Mukhin caught up with Ben Peterson, new owner of the venue, to check out the outlook for the near future as well as Jimmy Polar to chat about the lighting and sound deck out.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Music
Name This Bar - Oxforst Street, Sydney
By: max hayden
Starting your own bar can be a daunting experience, but not if you have the help of friends or even people coming in from the streets. Simon Mericer, owner of Name This Bar on Oxforst Street, Sydney, tells us how he came up with the concept. He speaks about DJ hire, Dj equipment, the lighting and the nights which he puts on at the venue.(read
entire article)
View : 198 Times
Category : Music
Pioneer Sets New Trends In The World Of Dj
By: max hayden
Pioneer Pro DJ is a world-wide renowned brand. Ever since CDs surpassed vinyl in the 1990s the brand has been a world leader in CDJ players amongst other DJ equipment.(read
entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : Entertainment
So You Want To Be A Dj?
Submitted as: Brock Hilton
Well first up you need some DJ gear. How do you go about securing the best value DJ gear available? Cheap DJ gear might not always be the best option but on the other hand expensive top of the line gear might not always be the best immediate solution either. Do you stick with a brand name like Pioneer or perhaps look at other more affordable brands that may offer similar features. If you are looking to buy DJ gear then you will need to do some research and this is where you can really save money.(read
entire article)
View : 191 Times
Category : Music