Here's the recent articles submitted by myt yoga
Articles By myt yoga
Some Admirable Tips For A Successful Yoga Teacher Training
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
If you are just about to head for your yoga teacher training and thinking that you will surely return as an expert and proficient yoga teacher. You may be wrong!
As just by getting joined in famous educational institutions of the world, not virtually will turn you into a successful person; likewise, completing your 200- hour yoga teacher training course from a well-known yoga school will not become a successful yoga teacher.(read
entire article)
View : 244 Times
Category : Fitness
Yoga Poses And Mantras For Happiness
Submitted as: Rajesh mishra
Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice, originated from the ancient period. It is the royal route between the mind and the body. With the regular practice of yoga, one tends to see and feel its benefits and a dramatic change with the heightened energy levels, significant changes in the cellular levels and reduced stress, increasing the happy hormones. Yoga is extremely beneficial when it comes to managing stress which is prevalent in the youth today. Yoga is not a “substitute” for medication, but a much better and smarter way of dealing with the continuously increasing level of stress instead of resorting to pills that'll undoubtedly have major side-effects.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Health