Here's the recent articles submitted by godfrey philander
Articles By godfrey philander
Things To Be Avoided While Web Designing-00-3958
Submitted as: sanjuss
In today’s world of technological advancements, the demands of precisions and accuracy have reached to the peak. Many new fields have been entered in the world of business. It is an admitted fact that internet has turned this world into a global village. Now people know that if they want to excel in their business then they will have to enter the magic world of internet.(read
entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : Web Design
How To Make An Effective Web Design:-00-3959
Submitted as: sanjuss
In today’s world of science and technology, no one can deny the fact that website is one of the most important tools to get your business flourished with every passing minute. It can get you hundreds of customers in a single click. It is your representative in the world of online business. A good website and web design ensures success of your business in the shortest span of time.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Web Design
Outdoor Storage Shed Plans Tips-00-3960
Submitted as: sanjuss
During the construction of outdoor storage sheds, a person may have to face different issues. In order to avoid these issues and mistakes, a person should follow these tips.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Web Design
Amethyst: A Geological Marvel-00-3966
Submitted as: massimo dau
This information packed article is sure to answer some of your most burning questions about Amethyst. Learn all you need to know about the history and origins of the Amethyst gemstone.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Beauty
An Introduction To Jewelry Making-00-3723
Submitted as: massimo dau
I think that one of my favorite crafts is jewelry making. Beads should be part of any well-equipped jewelry making kit. I love the choice of styles that jewelry making allows you to try. The range of materials that you can use for jewelry making also means that their possible uses are limited only by my imagination.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Beauty
Ankle Bracelets: Accessories To Pamper And Adorn Your Feet-00-3969
Submitted as: massimo dau
Feet are among the most the most beautiful parts of a woman's body. This fact is often overshadowed by modern media, which highlights women's faces and torsos, and little else.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Beauty
Antique Jewelry-00-3129
Submitted as: massimo dau
If you are fond of vintage items, you don’t have to depend entirely on your ancestors to acquire a few of these heirlooms. Heirloom-quality jewelry from the Victorian, Edwardian, art deco and other periods is now readily available.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Beauty
Are All Tahitian Pearls Black?' And Other Pearl Faq Answers-00-3970
Submitted as: massimo dau
Interesting information and FAQs about Pearls(read
entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Beauty
About Art Deco Jewelry-00-3724
Submitted as: massimo dau
If you are a true lover of the periodic jewelry, the style and miniature art of art deco jewelry will definitely take your heart away. Originated in Paris, art deco jewelry is a rare combination of aristocratic preferences with a modern touch that enhances the individuality of its wearers.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Beauty
Artificial Diamonds-00-3971
Submitted as: massimo dau
Diamonds as they say are a girl’s best friend and buying the perfect diamond ring should not be a problem for anyone. Usually any kind of diamond ring will do just so long as you get a big diamond on the ring you will be fine.(read
entire article)
View : 232 Times
Category : Beauty