Here's the recent articles submitted by godfrey philander
Articles By godfrey philander
Understanding Why Skin Cancer Patients Are Skyrocketing-00-5027
Submitted as: seomul123
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer has been reported with nearly 1 million new cases a year. However, the good news is that the disease is curable and that there may be many steps they take to prevent skin cancer.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Others
Noveon Laser For Toenail Fungus Infection-00-5028
Submitted as: Dr. Marc Katz
Dr. Marc Katz, a Tampa podiatrist, has investigated laser treatment for fungal infections of toenails. He explains the differences between two popular laser choices. Dr. Katz explains the advantage of the Noveon laser for the toenail fungus and its superiority in treatment results and safety.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Fitness
Comparison To Constituent Plans-00-5029
Submitted as: Top Article3
Endowment plans provide chronicle shelter cover for a specified period. The essential aspect is that on matureness i.e. if the individual survives the constituent of the insurance, he/she receives the sum assured at the modify of the term.(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Insurance
Icici Prudential Life Insurance Plans-00-5030
Submitted as: Top Article3
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance plans to cater to the agricultural mart using a mix of biometric sharp game and micro offices. The insurer plans to increase its agricultural penetration using sharp game in cooperation with the various e-governance initiatives in the states, such as APOnline in Andhra Pradesh and e-mitra in Rajasthan.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Insurance
10 Tips To Prevent Cancer-00-5031
Submitted as: 4Ps--Marketing
Despite increasingly strong evidence about the links between lifestyle and cancer, many Britons still do not know how they can reduce their risk of cancer.(read
entire article)
View : 331 Times
Category : Health
Little Smarter To Intend The Benefit-00-5032
Submitted as: Top Article3
Death benefits depend on the identify of contract purchased by the insured. Go through the different types of chronicle shelter policies to understand the modification and survival benefits associated with apiece kind.(read
entire article)
View : 221 Times
Category : Insurance
Treating Toenail Fungus Infections With The Noveon Laser-00-5036
Submitted as: Dr. Marc Katz
Dr. Marc Katz, a Tampa podiatrist, has investigated laser treatment for fungal infections of toenails. He explains the differences between two popular laser choices. Dr. Katz explains the advantage of the Noveon laser for the toenail fungus and its superiority in treatment results and safety.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Health
Monitor Arm Design-00-5037
Submitted as: 4Ps--Marketing
Product design is a varied and diverse discipline encompassing the creation of everything that we take for granted, from toasters to cars and from office chairs to coffee cups.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Business
Music Gigs In Cambridge-00-5040
Submitted as: 4Ps--Marketing
Cambridge is an ideal place to visit if you enjoy live music and bands, as the city is home to numerous Cambridge gig venues that covers a wide range of musical tastes.(read
entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Music
Scabies At Night-00-5043
Submitted as: jessicca
Scabies is a skin disease caused by a parasitic mite called ‘Sarcoptes scabiei’. These parasites are burrowed beneath the surface of the skin and it takes a while before they actually start(read
entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : Health