Here's the recent articles submitted by godfrey philander
Articles By godfrey philander
How To Eliminate Psoriasis Permanently
Submitted as: P.Rodgers
I'm sure I don't need to tell you about psoriasis symptoms - the maddening itch, the silvery scales that crack and ooze and start the itching cycle all over again. Treatments are now available that have been shown to stop the progression of the disease.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Fitness
Secondhand Smoke Leads To Ed In Mice
Submitted as: M-Washman
Secondhand smoke reduces erectile function in mice, but the effects can be reversed by treatment with sildenafil, researchers report in the February issue of the Journal of Urology(read
entire article)
View : 162 Times
Category : Health
2009 Rx Market
Submitted as: M-Washman
The ED market remains a solid growth category. Levitra (vardenafil, Bayer) showed moderate growth at 2.8%, while Generic Viagra (sildenafil, Pfizer)(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Health
How To Cure Psoriasis In Days
Submitted as: P.Rodgers
People of both sexes can become the victim of psoriasis and the age plays the vital role in the development of the disease in the patient. People less than 30 years of age are more likely to fall in this disease. Psoriasis does not cause the death off the person but it surely causes lot of pain and suffering.(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Fitness
Pustular Psoriasis Can Be Very Distressing
Submitted as: P.Rodgers
A non contagious condition, pustular psoriasis is characterized by pus filled spots called pustules, which develop on the skin. Pustular psoriasis is of two major types: localized and generalized. The physical symptoms of pustular psoriasis can be very distressing for the individual concerned.(read
entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Fitness
Arbitration Agreements And The New Pemex Regulation-00-3852
Submitted as: 4Ps--Marketing
The legal framework of the Mexican public entity Petróleos Mexicanos and its subsidiaries (collectively and indistinctively "PEMEX"), which controls the Mexican oil industry, was amended in November 2008. These changes were the result of long and intense discussions between the main political actors in Mexico. Following is a brief summary of the effect of the amendments with respect to PEMEX's ability to enter into arbitration agreements.(read
entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Business
Green Web Hosting Is Both Good For The Environment And You
Submitted as: P.Rodgers
As the awareness of global warming increases, the web hosting industry is also playing their part in supporting this good cause. Green web hosting is just one more earth-friendly thing you can do.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Web Design
Cost Of Broadband Falls Over 40% In Four Years-00-3864
Submitted as: 4Ps--Marketing
Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) began in September 2005 and has lead to a significant drop in the cost of broadband.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Solar Energy Home Can Save You A Lot Of Money
Submitted as: P.Rodgers
How would you like to UNPLUG your house from your electrical company, knowing that you are "100% powered by nature with renewable energy ?
A Solar Energy Home can save you a lot of money, in addition Solar Energy operates quietly at home unseen and is pollution free.(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Family
Building Your Own Home Renewable Energy
Submitted as: P.Rodgers
Go green and save thousands... Thousands of homeowners are building their own alternative power plant. There is no reason you cannot be building yours either. The very best part of consolidating a wind generator system into your business or home is the environmental impact.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Family