Here's the recent articles submitted by godfrey philander
Articles By godfrey philander
Understanding Notebook Computer
Submitted as: ghostevyta
A notebook computer is a portable personal computer that can be carried along and used almost anywhere, much like a notebook. The notebook computer typically weighs about 3 kilograms (6.6 pounds) and is small enough to fit into a briefcase.(read
entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Computers
Notebook Or Dekstop Computer ?
Submitted as: ghostevyta
If internet made the world a global village, then we might as well say that notebooks made it a global colony. With desktops, things were a click away from us; notebook shorted the distance. Now we can carry the global colony on our shoulder.(read
entire article)
View : 158 Times
Category : Computers
Diamond Shape Guide
Submitted as: ghostevyta
The cut of a diamond refers to the way the stone is shaped and polished, how the facets are arranged and how deep or shallow it’s cut. There are various cuts of diamonds that refer to that, many of them patented. Both Asscher and Princess diamonds are square-shaped diamonds, but they are vastly different in how the facet are cut and arranged.(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Diamond Carat Guide
Submitted as: ghostevyta
Many people equate the term carat with the size of a diamond, and as carat size increases, so will the carat weight. But the operative word there is weight. Carat refers to the weight of a diamond and is equal to roughly 200 milligrams which is less than a ¼ of an ounce. A carat can also be broken up into 100 points. So ¾ of a carat is also 75 points.(read
entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
What Is Diamond Certicication ?
Submitted as: ghostevyta
Diamond certification is essential when you're buying a diamond and is different from a jeweler’s appraisal, although the certification is part of any appraisal. Many diamonds look the same, but not all of them are going to be of the quality you might like. Diamond certification is the written proof of a diamond's attributes.(read
entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
How To Take Care Your Diamond
Submitted as: ghostevyta
Diamonds are durable and strong, but should be cared for as though they were fine breakable china or more fragile gems. They can chip or scratch if you’re not careful, and they can get quite dirty with oils from your skin and cosmetics, hair sprays or perfumes.(read
entire article)
View : 162 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Blue Heart Diamond As The Spectacular Diamond
Submitted as: ghostevyta
There is a spectacular diamond in the Smithsonian Collection called the Blue Heart Diamond. Fans of the movie Titanic might think the “Heart of the Ocean Diamond†was based on this stone, and it may have been! However, this diamond hasn’t been cast in the ocean, but is safe and sound at the Smithsonian!(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
American Topaz Introduction
Submitted as: ghostevyta
The world’s largest cut topaz, called the American Topaz, resides at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. A 172-faceted topaz weighing 22,892.50 carats (5785 kg), it’s the largest cut yellow topaz in the world, and one of the largest faceted gems of any kind in the world.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Diamond Color Guide
Submitted as: ghostevyta
When it comes to the 4Cs of diamonds, color, or lack of it, is an especially important characteristic. Diamonds are given letter grades to denote the level of color, starting with the letter D for a flawless, colorless diamond. Why D, and not C, B, or A? The reason we’ve heard is that when diamonds started being graded for color with this scale, it was decided to start with D, to leave room for the extremely rare possibility that a diamond would be found that was even more flawless than flawless.(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Top 5 Reasons To Read Quality Reviews Online
Submitted as: Quality Reviews
What is the importance of reviews to the average consumer? Well, many people don't bother with them. But the fact is quality reviews can be extremely important(read
entire article)
View : 166 Times
Category : Business