Here's the recent articles submitted by godfrey philander
Articles By godfrey philander
Usb Specifications And Requirements - A Basic Guide
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a serial bus standard, used to connect devices with the host computer. It provides hot-pluggable Plug and Play serial interface(read
entire article)
View : 157 Times
Category : Computers
A Study Of Recent Dual-core And Multi-core Processors
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
Dual-core refers to a CPU that includes two complete execution cores per physical processor. It combines two processors and their caches and cache controllers(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Computers
Using Free Alternative Email Service For Good
Submitted as: ghostevyta
Nowadays , if we need to make in touch with someone, opportunities are higher that you'll contact them by electronic mail instead than by regular post. E-mail has become one of those essential matters in life that one only can't do without. To be able to send or accept an electronic mail you obviously need a valid email address and there are lot of electronic mail providers around the Internet to offer you with this.(read
entire article)
View : 141 Times
Category : Computers
New Technology File System - Partitioning Your Operating System
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
In any operating system, a file system is a part of the overall structure that determines how the files are named, stored, and organized on a volume. The files(read
entire article)
View : 148 Times
Category : Computers
Knowing Your Computer In A Bit More Detail
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
A computer is made up of physical, mechanical, magnetic, electronic and electrical components and the multiple accessory devices that can be added are termed(read
entire article)
View : 150 Times
Category : Computers
How To Send A Fax From A Computer Without A Fax Machine
Submitted as: Jeff BensonII
Fax machines have been around for a while now, and are used in most large businesses and corporations around the country. Although they are great for sending and receiving documents, they do cost money - and they're a little too big to be carried around or traveled with. Rather than toting around a large fax machine with you wherever you go, there is a much better option that will take a lot less space: you can send a faxes directly from your computer!(read
entire article)
View : 172 Times
Category : Computers
Voip Internet Telephony And Wireless Technologies
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a broad-spectrum term for a family of communication technologies for deliverance of voice communications over IP(read
entire article)
View : 150 Times
Category : Computers
Debugging Source Code And Its Various Approaches For The Layman
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
Once errors are identified, it is necessary to first locate the precise program statements responsible for the errors and then fix them. Generally, the most(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Free Alternative Email Service For Good Usage
Submitted as: ghostevyta
Nowadays , if we desire to have in touch with someone, opportunities are higher that you will contact them by e-mail rather than by regular post. E-mail has become one of those primary things in life that one just cannot do without. To be able to post or accept an e-mail you obviously need a valid email address and there are plenty of e-mail providers around the Nets to offer you with this.(read
entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Searching For The Elusive Xbox 360 Emulator
Submitted as: DJP Hybrid
The Xbox 360, manufactured by Microsoft, is probably one of the most versatile and powerful gaming consoles that you will come across. And because it provides(read
entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Computers