Here's the recent articles submitted by allen words allen words
Articles By allen words allen words
Sexiness Comes In All Shapes And Sizes!
Submitted as: allenwords
Gone are the days when the only option available to oversized women was to slip into shapeless, drab, and boring oversized clothes to hide their bodies. Fashion Industry has taken a leap by coming out with outfits that are designed specifically to compliment the larger body. If you are a plus sized woman who wants to look good and enhance the best parts of your body, you surely have all the attention and guidance of fashion designers and manufactures.(read
entire article)
View : 143 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Baby Boomer - Be A Part Of The Fashion World
Submitted as: allenwords
Who says 40 plus women are the only ones that can flaunt and enjoy wearing fashionable dresses? The fashion world has opened avenues for 40 plus fashion to be part of this stylish race and flaunt their personality as fellow fashionistas.(read
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Business
Stylish Plus Size Clothing- Be Part Of The Fashion World
Submitted as: allenwords
Who says slimmer women are the only ones that can flaunt and enjoy wearing fashionable dresses? The fashion world has opened avenues for plus size women to be part of this stylish race and flaunt their personality as slimmer women do.(read
entire article)
View : 115 Times
Category : Business
Women Make Style Statement At Any Size And Age
Submitted as: allenwords
Now plus size women do not need to restrict themselves from whopping shirts and jeans. They do not have to be on a diet just to dress comfortably. Shopping for plus sized clothing is no longer difficult as Off Broadway Boutique offers an extensive collection of plus size clothing for women.(read
entire article)
View : 118 Times
Category : Business
Size Or Age - No More A Barrier In Making Style Statement
Submitted as: allenwords
Now plus size women do not need to restrict themselves from whopping shirts and jeans. They do not have to be on diet just to suit in a dress comfortably. Shopping for plus sized clothes are no more difficult as Off Broadway boutique offers an extensive collection of women large size clothing.(read
entire article)
View : 112 Times
Category : Business
Make A Style Statement By Wearing Trendy Costume Jewelry
Submitted as: allenwords
The trend of costume jewelry started with Egyptians who used to wear decorative beaded necklaces like Cleopatra. Some costume jewelry is made up of silver and gold plated metal with embellishments of stones and beads. The beauty of costume jewelry is stunning whether it is uncomplicated metal links or fantastic gemstone-studded designs. Costume jewelry should be cleaned everyday to maintain its sparkle and avoid any ruination.(read
entire article)
View : 124 Times
Category : Business
Boutiques Of New York End Your Hunt For Plus Size Clothing
Submitted as: allenwords
If you think fashion and plus size do not go hand in hand, you are unaware of the fashion world developments. Whether you are a full-figured women or in your fabulous forties, you can still enjoy being fashionable and trendy.(read
entire article)
View : 129 Times
Category : Business
Maintain Your Charm With 40 Plus Fashion
Submitted as: allenwords
As you grew older and cross the 40 plus age line, you pay less interest in your dressing manner. That is why, many 40 plus women are dressed up dowdily. However, age has nothing to do with your dressing as it depends on how you wish to look at yourself. You can look stylish and fashionable even in your 40s. Nevertheless, not by following wrong fashion tips so avoid wearing loose baggy pants and t-shirts like a teenager. Instead of it, brighten up your fashion quotient by following 40 plus fashion regime. For inspiration follow Off Broadway Boutique fashion statement.(read
entire article)
View : 127 Times
Category : Business
Start With Your Own Pool And Snooker Table
Submitted as: ALLENWORDS
Snooker has been around since a very long time and was originated from British army officers. It started with Russian billiards and gained popularity in the commonwealth games and other global games. Snooker took over the billiards that was more popular but then it became difficult to play for long hours in billiards. Snookers tables are high in demand everywhere, a full size snooker table is almost 12 foot long, and 6 feet wide, that requires a huge room to play in. Snooker tables are highly equipped with total of 6 pockets, 2 middle pockets and 4 corner pockets and the table is covered with the woolen cloth. The snooker table is generally made in wood that has a playing surface covered with a cloth.(read
entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Snooker Tables For Your Home
Submitted as: ALLENWORDS
Snooker needs no introduction. It is a popular game around the globe. This is the reason why many snooker lovers have specially started to create some space in their homes for placing their snooker table. It was earlier common to see such pool tables, air hockey tables and billiards tables in the garages, but today, these game tables have entered into homes. In fact, these tables are not just mere gaming equipment, but an elegant and sophisticated interior decoration idea. Available in different and vibrant colors such as blue, green and red, these tables can make an excellent addition in your home décor.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Games