Here's the recent articles submitted by robert thomson
Articles By robert thomson
Buying An Engagement Ring
Submitted as: Sarah Cobler
So you think you want to take your relationship to the next level? Are
you considering marriage? If you answered, "yes" to both questions
then you should be getting ready to make another important decision …
the engagement ring.
For the best selection of high quality engagement rings visit
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View : 228 Times
Category : Beauty
5 Best Ways To Lose Weight
Submitted as: Emma Green
When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques to help you lose weight.
Lose Weight
2 Week Weight Loss
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View : 303 Times
Category : Health
Weight Loss Product Review
Submitted as: Emma Green
Weight loss products can be a double edged sword. I'm sure we've all seen the stories in the press of people being prosecuted for selling bogus weight loss products.
Lose Weight
Weight Loss Tricks
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View : 192 Times
Category : Health
Lift Chars In Your Living Room
Submitted as: Brad Brubaker
It is not only age that can make it harder for a person to stand up or sit down. Often medical problems such as back pain, arthritis, or osteoporosis greatly limit a person’s ability to sit or stand.
Lift Chairs can be the key to freedom. Check out for more information.(read
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View : 231 Times
Category : Health
Easy Ways To Lose Weight
Submitted as: Emma Green
When you such chronic obesity problems as we have in our society, it is tempting to think that losing weight must be incredibly difficult.
Fast Weight Loss
Weight Loss Patch
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View : 207 Times
Category : Fitness
Guaranteed Weight Loss
Submitted as: Emma Green
Guaranteed weight loss is a goal that millions of people in the developed world are striving for.
Lose 10 Lbs Fast
1 Week Weight Loss
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View : 199 Times
Category : Fitness
China Heritage Lauriat
Submitted as: Steve Kevin
With history and culture as old as civilization itself, China is as complex as the DNA code of each of the 1.3 billion (and counting) Chinese populating the earth.
For accommodation in China please visit: China Hotels. For other options: |
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View : 211 Times
Category : Travel
Australia Surprise
Submitted as: Steve Kevin
Australia is not just about the city of Sydney and the grandiose Opera House. More than the famous kangaroos, koalas, trackers and the outback, the continent down under actually tops the list of every nature lover’s favorite escape to paradise.
For accommodation in Australia please visit: Australia Hotels. For other options: |
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View : 236 Times
Category : Travel
Jamaica Celebrity Combo
Submitted as: Steve Kevin
Just mention the word Jamaica and the mind is filled with images of beach party, reggae and rum. The most populous English speaking island simply exudes with relaxed and laidback life on the beach.
For accommodation in Jamaica please visit: Jamaica Hotels. For other options: |
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View : 211 Times
Category : Travel
Indonesia A La Carte Special
Submitted as: Steve Kevin
Comprised of seventeen thousand islands, Indonesia is a sure smorgasbord surprise. Wide-eyed guests could simply marvel at the wondrous beauty before their eyes but have to settle for a few courses in order to enjoy each trip to the largest archipelago of the world.
For accommodation in Indonesia please visit: Indonesia Hotels. For other options: |
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View : 223 Times
Category : Travel