Here's the recent articles submitted by alex gwen thomson
Articles By alex gwen thomson
Laminate Flooring: An Affordable, Easy-care Option
Submitted as: Charlie Dima
There are many reasons why a real hardwood or tile floor might not work for you. Perhaps you have children and are worried about the damage they might cause with spills and heavy use.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Others
Importance Of Fitness And Conception
Submitted as: Julie Collins
Television portrays the woman’s ability to conceive as a relatively easy objective to accomplish; however, the medical research and the rise in the use of the egg bank indicate otherwise.(read
entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Health
Donor Egg Bank And The Importance Of A Support System
Submitted as: Julie Collins
If you are like millions of couples struggling with infertility, you may feel as though you are alone.(read
entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Health
How To Get The Most From Your Grid-connected Solar Power System
Submitted as: Roger Elley
Ok, so you have just had your brand new grid-connected solar panels connected by your local accredited solar power installer.
Now, remember the initial meeting you had with the sales consultant at the kitchen table. Do you recall having a conversation about your previous energy use in the home, and what habits you should change if you decided to get solar? If you answered yes, then you probably organised your solar quote through, as we only deal with solar companies that we know will educate the consumer about their typical power use and give them a thorough understanding of what power output the system is capable of. Some 'fly-by-night' solar panel companies who have just arrived on the scene have misled the public in the performance capacity of their grid connected systems. This has led to some mistrust and confusion in the Solar arena. is aware of these companies, and will not deal with those solar installers found to be giving misleading information or involved in any dishonest sales tactics.(read
entire article)
View : 175 Times
Category : Business
How To Easily Throw A Cast Net
Submitted as: Rob Thomas
Persons use cast nets as an efficient means to catch sea creatures such as shrimps and bait fish. As simple as this task appears to be, throwing it calls for some amount of application and skill in order to throw it out effectively.(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Others
The Various Types Of Structural Engineer Jobs
Submitted as: Rob Thomas
Structural engineering is a segment of the larger group of engineering that covers the analysis, outline and plan of a structure for managing or resisting great weights. Structural engineering is in the group of civil engineering which is basically any form of non-military engineering; in some countries many persons that practice structural engineering are licensed or qualified as civil engineers but some countries split the two.(read
entire article)
View : 434 Times
Category : Career
Leukemia Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Submitted as: Jason Morrow
Every year several thousands of people are diagnosed with Leukemia and more than half of them die from the disease. This article discusses about the causes and symptoms of leukemia and it’s treatment.(read
entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Health
How To Melbourne Shuffle
Submitted as: Rob Thomas
Melbourne shuffle is a style of dance, that originated in the late 1980s in the Melbourne underground scene. The core movements in the dance are a quick heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various types of electronic music. Some different incorporate arm movements.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Music
Symptoms Of Potassium Deficiency
Submitted as: Rob Thomas
Potassium is very important in our bodies as it supports muscles and cells to work effectively. Potassium shortage is also known as Hypokalemia. It depicts a syndrome whereby the blood has a low amount of potassium. In its mild phase, the condition does not generate any symptoms.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Health
History Of Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Submitted as: Rob Thomas
"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" is categorized as Negro spiritual or African-America folk songs. It was composed by Wallis Willis, a Choctaw freedman in the old Indian Territory, before the year 1862. The idea for the song came from the Red river which reminded Willis of the Jordan River and of the Prophet Elijah being taken to heaven by a chariot.(read
entire article)
View : 593 Times
Category : Music