Here's the recent articles submitted by ady grewal
Articles By ady grewal
Importance Of Maqam E Ibrahim
By: ady grewal
Maqam-e-Ibrahim is a large block of stone on which footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) are carved. It is present inside Masjid-al-Haram near the Holy Kaabah; in front of the door of the Kaaba, and the Multazam. The Maqam-e-Ibrahim remains enclosed in a spherical-shaped, golden casing. Its significance is that it remains one of the essential parts of the rituals of Tawaf.(read
entire article)
View : 1258 Times
Category : Religion
How Should You Behave During Ramadan?
By: ady grewal
Ramadan is a month of spirituality and sacredness. Consequently, one should also behave in a good way in Ramadan, better yet, the whole year. Let it be related to your personal life, social life, family, colleagues, friends or even interaction with strangers – one should be respectful and kind to others.(read
entire article)
View : 1511 Times
Category : Religion
10 Things People Always Seem To Get Wrong About Ramadan
By: ady grewal
The month of Ramadan is just around the corner and Muslims are very welcoming of it because it's regarded as the most sacred month of Islam due to a variety of reasons. Despite that, the will of Muslims to take spiritual, physical and mental benefits is also at its peak. All in all, Ramadan holds significant religious and spiritual importance in the heart of every Muslim.(read
entire article)
View : 2137 Times
Category : Religion
Features And Coverage Of Vip Umrah Package From Uk
By: ady grewal
Annually, an estimate of 20 million Muslims travel to Makkah from all over the world, for the performance of lesser pilgrimage. Although it's a sunnah Ibadah and not an obligatory pilgrimage, everyone has the same love and desire for it.(read
entire article)
View : 924 Times
Category : Religion
Rulings Of Miqaat Before Proceeding The Umrah
By: ady grewal
Miqaat is the place where pilgrims wear Ihram in order to perform Hajj or Umrah. The spot of wearing Ihram is Adni al-Hal which means the first place out of Haram and it is allowable to become Muhrim from one of quintet well-known Miqats but it is better to perform Ihram of Umrah al-Mufradah from one of the quintet Miqats.(read
entire article)
View : 1314 Times
Category : Religion