Here's the recent articles submitted by onne app
Articles By onne app
Pros & Cons Of Using Whatsapp For Your School
Submitted as: ONNE
Schools need an app to communicate and keep in touch with the parents and students. Some schools have their own mobile app and it helps them have a structured form of communication. Small schools however, are unable to develop a school app due to the cost and time factor. Not only the development of a school app, but maintaining the app, making regular upgrades, fixing bugs etc are not feasible. They choose platforms like whatsapp instead to keep in touch.(read
entire article)
View : 374 Times
Category : Business
School Parent Engagement: Effective Communication That Works For Schools
Submitted as: ONNE
Keeping in touch with parents is like a PR exercise by itself. Don't you think? It is necessary to engage with them - just enough to keep them abreast of what's happening in the school and to let them know how students are benefitting from the various curriculum to non-curricular activities. At the same time, you don't want to spam them though various communication channels, leading to frustration and dislike to open messages from you(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Business
How To Get A Fabulous School / Coaching Erp Software On A Tight Budget
Submitted as: ONNE
ERP Softwares that are available in the market right now are expensive. We get it! After looking at the list of school management ERP softwares and coaching centre management ERP we realise that, to get a decent app or software for your school or coaching centre, you need to spend north of tens of thousand dollars. Infact, elaborate school management systems like Fedena costs a little over 30,000 Indian Rupees a year. While these softwares are expensive, they are also loaded with features, that make these developers command such prices.(read
entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Education
10 Benefits Of Online Classes In Your School Management App
By: onne app
Traditional schooling methods have been under question ever since the COVID-19 pandemic this year. School owners, principals and teachers are still trying to come to terms with this new method of teaching. Parents and students cannot be discounted here since they are trying to change and adapt to this new form of learning. No one knows when life will go back to normal or may be, this is the new normal? While meeting one-on-one, interacting, developing social skills and learning in person has a huge advantage, it's a good opportunity to see the benefits online classes bring in your school management app.(read
entire article)
View : 305 Times
Category : Education
11 Reasons Why You Need An App For Your Residents Association
Submitted as: ONNE
Current Behaviour using Chat apps
Multiple WhatsApp groups to keep in touch with your residents
Another WhatsApp group for just the committee members
Now let us look at the issues they face while relying on chat apps for their residents association and also 11 reasons why you need an app for your resident association.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Service
The Secret Behind The Best Residential Apartment Communities
Submitted as: ONNE
Do you live in a flat or an apartment in India? Are you a part of a community that has a residents association? In that case, communicating with the committee members will be a regular affair. If you become an active participant, it helps in understanding the living circumstances. You will also know the people and the society better, that you are a part of. Your neighbours will be from different backgrounds, sectors and will have different personalities. So as an apartment owner who is part of the community, active participation helps to know your neighbours better. This could be for association meetings or plannings that are done on a regular basis.(read
entire article)
View : 382 Times
Category : Family
Pros And Cons Of Using Chat To Manage Your Residents Association
Submitted as: ONNE
Apartments and Residential communities needs a software or a mobile app to communicate and keep in touch with the residents. Some apartments have their own apartment management software and it helps them have a structured form of communication with their committee members. A lot of residential apartment complexes are relying on chat applications like Whatsapp and email to keep in touch with their residents.(read
entire article)
View : 401 Times
Category : Family
Society Management App: Nearly Everything You Need To Know
Submitted as: ONNE
What is a Society Management App?
An apartment or a society management app takes care of the needs of the housing society with features and functions that help simplify the communication, coordination and decision making while reducing manual effort for the society management committee and their members.(read
entire article)
View : 399 Times
Category : Family
How Covid-19 Has Pushed Us Towards Technology And Transformed Education Forever
Submitted as: ONNE
The covid 19 experience has taught the importance of digital learning to most of the schools. During the pandemic, consumers have moved dramatically toward online channels, and companies and industries have responded in turn.(read
entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Education
The Unparalleled Benefits Of Getting An App For Your Business
Submitted as: ONNE
Are you relying on chat apps like Whatsapp, Telegram or Messenger to engage with your members or customers and do business? Do you run and manage a Facebook page struggle because not all of your members get to see your posts? Get an app for your business on Onne. It's Free!(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Business