Here's the recent articles submitted by juan juan
Articles By juan juan
The Option To Convert To A Raid
Submitted as: wow gold,cheap wow gold
You can also click on a player displayed in this way to target that player. You can then right click on the class or group UI element to make some modifications to how the UI displays or to remove the UI element.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Games
Details Of The Upcoming Expansion
Submitted as: juan
Let's look forward to the official announcement. Perhaps we can hear it at BlizzCon 2009. WoW Gold Store will always keep you updated on the latest WoW news and provide you the cheapest WoW gold to enhance your game experience.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Games
How To Avoid Wow Golds Being Stole
Submitted as: amelie
so is there a good AntiVirus software in your computer?you need to clean your computer frequently if you want to protect the safety of surfing internet.And also you'd better not to receive strangers' files,cause we don't know whether the document contain some cockhorse that can hack your account. So plz take more care about your account,the more scrupulous you are,the less dangerous your account will be.Wish you good luck then!(read
entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Computers
History Of Draenei In World Of Warcraft
Submitted as: juan
Kil'jaeden starts to tempt to Orc. First of all, he utilizes the old resistance Aouzou Shaman, and then his student of Gul 'dan. Orc began to like power and the joint to become a unified tribe. Even the wisest Shaman healers have begun to learn magic, and have forgotten their faith.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Games
World Of Warcraft Universe For You
Submitted as: juan
Those who love the story will want to dive into the quests simply for the lore they reveal, but many players will also want to complete quests for the experience and the rewards (WoW gold, items, equipments and XP). Nearly all quests give sizeable experience rewards.(read
entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Games
Make Gear Choices More Interesting
Submitted as: juan
Nonhealing casters will have other systems in place to regenerate mana, and we are designing special solutions for Elemental shaman and Balance druids who often share gear with healers (more on this below).(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Games
Locate A Genuine Guide For Wow Gold
Submitted as: juan
You should make a thorough search of the online sites for the perfect guide which is genuine or has some experience. You must exercise caution to avoid any scams that are there in the gaming industry sites.(read
entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Games
Getting Started Your World Of Warcraft
Submitted as: wow gold,cheap wow gold
Your health is the green bar while your mana is the blue bar. Rogues will have a yellow energy bar and Warrior’s will have an empty bar (that glows red as they take or receive damage). When your health reaches 0 you’ll die (see our guide on dying). Most abilities cost mana/energy/rage to use so when that reaches 0 you’ll be unable to use any abilities reliant(read
entire article)
View : 272 Times
Category : Games