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Articles By ibrahim machiwala

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Hijrat I Medina    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"It was the 13th year of the Prophet's mission when the clouds had gathered fast. The Meccan chiefs centered in their Council Hall (darun-nadwa), a chamber inside Kaba, to deliberate over what might be treated with the Prophet. Stormy was the meeting, for fear had entered their hearts. Imprisonment for life, expulsion from the city, each was debated in turn for the Prophet. They decided then on a final and desperate remedy, namely to kill the Prophet. Murder by one man would have exposed him and his family to the vengeance of blood. The difficulty was at last solved by Abu Jahl, who suggested that a number of courageous men, chosen from different families, should sheathe their swords simultaneously in the Prophet's bosom, in order that the responsibility of the deed might rest upon all, and the relations of the Prophet might consequently be unable to avenge it. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hijrat I Medina in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit eFun Quest.(read entire article)
View : 329 Times
Category : Education

History, Historiography, Historians    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
The word history is derived from the Latin historia meaning narrative of past event, account, tale or story. The synonymous word in German is geschichte means occurrence. The earliest known historical writing comes from the old kingdom of Egypt. One surviving fragment is the Palermo Stone (about 2600 B.C.) dealing with the annals of the early dynasties of Pharaohs. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and History, Historiography, Historians in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Web2Host.(read entire article)
View : 316 Times
Category : Education

Honeymoon Lodge    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
Muhammadi Tekri or Tekri (hill), a famous historical site, where Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah was born, which is generally known as Honeymoon Lodge. It is situated on the eastern outskirts of the city of Karachi at plot no. F.T.N. 3/1. It is an old fashioned, but spacious house, perilously perched on the top of the hillock at Korangi Road in the Defence Housing Society area, Karachi. This building was built soon after the British occupation of Sind in 1840. It was made available to the high government officials for their residence, known as Honeymoon Hall in 1841. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and History, Historiography, Historians in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Ismaili Portal.(read entire article)
View : 353 Times
Category : Education

Wazir Ahmed Ali Nizari Piredina   By: ibrahim machiwala
Piredina was born in Hyderabad, Sind. He migrated near Muscat with his family. His son Ahmed Nizari was born in 1886 and became known as Ahmed Nizari or Nizari Piredina. Not much is known of his early life. It is however said that he could speak Arabic, Persian, English, Hindi, Gujrati, and Sindhi fluently. He is said to have visited Karachi in 1920, where the Imam emphasized upon the Ismailis to go to Baghdad and Basra to hunt business opportunities. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written biography of ismaili heroes such as Wazir Ahmed Ali Nizari Piredina in 101 Ismaili Heroes,(read entire article)
View : 327 Times
Category : Education

Hudud    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
The penal law of Islam is called hudud in the hadith and fiqh books. This word is the plural of hadd, which means prevention, hindrance, restraint, prohibition, and hence a restrictive ordinance, or statute, of God, respecting things lawful and things unlawful. In Islamic fiqh, the word hudud is limited to punishments for crimes mentioned in the Koran or the hadith, while other punishments left to the discretion of the jurists are spoken of as ta'zir (chastisement). The word ta'zir is derived from the verb azar means prevent, reform or respect. The verb is used in its first and second meanings in the Koran (5:12, 7:157, 48:9). In the terminology of the jurists, ta'zir is a punishment aimed firstly at preventing a criminal from committing further crimes, and secondly, at reforming him. The Koran laid down the principle from which the ta'zir punishment is said to have deduced. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hudud in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Ismaili Blog.(read entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Education

Battle Of Hunain   By: ibrahim machiwala
"After the conquest of Mecca, the Muslims stayed in the city for two weeks when a news soon broke out that a big army had been mobilized in the valley of Hunain to attack Mecca and to undo the victory of the Muslims. This time the Prophet assembled a force of twelve thousand warriors, which included two thousand non-Muslim Meccans. The Prophet was forced to make necessary preparations for defence. He felt the necessity of borrowing money for provisions and war supplies, therefore, according to Masnad (Cairo, 1895, 4:36) by Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241/855), "He took a loan of 30,000 dhirams from Abdullah bin Rabiah, a step-brother of Abu Jahl, who was very rich." He also wanted from Safwan bin Umayyah, who had not yet accepted Islam, to lend him the weapons of war. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Battle Of Hunain is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)
View : 424 Times
Category : Religion

I Am Like A Man Going In The Darkness, Whilst Behind Him Shines A Bright Moon    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
(vide Diwan, Beirut, 1309 A.H., p. 972). Ibn Tiqtaqa also quoted the above poem in his al-Fakhri (comp. 699/1302). Abul Fida (2:309) writes, "Sharif ar-Radi had composed a poem in praise of the Fatimids in which he admitted the legitimate descent of the Fatimids from Ali bin Abu Talib." But in 402/1011, the Abbasid caliph Kadir billah (d. 422/1031) alarmed over the prosperity of the Fatimids and their success inside his empire, attempted to combat with Imam al-Hakim by another tool. He gathered a number of Shi'a and Sunni jurists to his court and ordered them to prepare a forged genealogy of the Fatimids and sign the document. Like other depending upon the Abbasids, Sharif ar-Radi and his brother al-Murtada also joined the campaign and signed the document. Ibn Taghri Birdi (d. 874/1470) writes in al-Nujum al-Zahira fi Muluk Misr wal Qahira (Cairo, 1929, 1:45-6) that, "The Abbasid caliph hired the theologians and paid them large sum of money to write books condemning the Fatimid cause and their doctrine." Ibn Athir (8:9) writes, "Sharif ar-Radi did not include these verses in his Diwan due to fear of the Abbasids, and also signed the document." Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Bright Moons in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Ezine Blog.(read entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Environment

Alarakhia Sumar   By: ibrahim machiwala
Period: (d. 1880) Mukhi Alarakhia Sumar was originally of Mulla Katiar, Sind, but his family came to settle in Bombay. He was an eminent merchant of cloth and sugar. He became Mukhi of the Bombay Jamatkhana soon after the death of Mukhi Alibhai Padamsi in 1848. The Ismailis possessed a graveyard near Dongri, Bombay since 1790, measuring 12706 sq. yards. He and Kamadia Khaki Padamsi extended the site by purchasing an adjoining plot of 6978 sq. yards from Nilaji Lakshamji for Rs. 11500/- in September 1856. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written biography of ismaili heroes such as Alarakhia Sumar in 101 Ismaili Heroes,(read entire article)
View : 404 Times
Category : Education

Iblis    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"The word Iblis is derived from balasa, meaning he despaired. It occurs 11 times in the Koran as a proper name. The general consensus is that the word is derived from the Greek diabolos. Arab tradition connects the word to the verbal sense of ublisa meaning he was rendered without hope, a reference to Iblis's fate of being cursed and sentenced to punishment by God. That sense of the verbal root is itself present in 30:12: "On the day when the hour will arrive the guilty will be in despair" and also 6:44, 23:77 and 43:75 with the same sense of the punishment of the evil doers; in 30:49, people are in despair over the difficulties of life. In none of those cases, however, does the figure of Iblis actually enter into picture. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Iblis in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Update.Pk.(read entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Environment

Wazir Ali Muhammad Jessa Bhaloo   By: ibrahim machiwala
Period: (1917-1968) Ali Muhammad Jessa Bhaloo was born on July 21, 1917 in Zanzibar, where he got his early education. Later on, he proceeded to London for a higher education. He also qualified as F.I.C. (Fellow of the Institute of Commerce) and F.R.Econ. S. (Fellow of the Royal Economic Society) in England. He formed his business soon after he terminated his education, which flourished financially. He was a leading dealer of radio spare parts and some electronic items. He was also the manufacturer’s representative and insurance property, etc. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written biography of ismaili heroes such as Wazir Ali Muhammad Jessa Bhaloo in 101 Ismaili Heroes,(read entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Insurance

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