Here's the recent articles submitted by ibrahim machiwala
Articles By ibrahim machiwala
By: ibrahim machiwala
"The word hanif (pl. hunafa) is derived from hanf, meaning an inclination in the forepart of the foot or inversion of the foot. A person having this distortion of the foot is called ahnaf. The singular word hanif occurs 10 times in the Koran (2:135, 3:67, 95; 4:125, 6:79, 161; 10:105, 16:120,123, 30:30), and the plural hunafa two times (22:31, 98:5). It occurs once as a synonym of muslim (3:67) and also in juxtaposition with the verb aslama (4:125). The exegetes of the Koran say that hanif in the age of ignorance signified an Arab adhering to the religion of Abraham and that title was also claimed by idolaters who only observed certain rites of that religion, such as pilgrimage to Mecca and circumcision. The verb tahannuf means pure exercise of religion in the pagan period.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many surveys on religion of islam such as Hanif. Visit Ismaili Portal for Picture Gallery and Greeting Cards.(read
entire article)
View : 415 Times
Category : Environment
Hasan Bin Ali Bin Abu Talib
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"Abu Muhammad Hasan, or Hasan, the elder brother of Imam Hussain was born in 3/625 in Medina. He was also brought up with Imam Hussain in the household of the Prophet until the latter's death when Hasan was about 7 years old. It emerges from the extant traditions that the Prophet had a great fondness for his two grand-children. Hasan and Hussain, whom he referred to as the "chief of the youths of paradise." Another tradition relates, "Both Hasan and Hussain are for me the fragrance in the world" (Masnad, 2:85).
Hasan was 37 years old when his father fell at the hands of the assassin at Kufa. Qais bin Sa'd was the first to swear allegiance to Hasan on the day when Ali died, and then it was followed by 40,000 Kufans, acclaiming Hasan as the fifth caliph. Tabari (2:5) writes that the oath of allegiance taken by those present stipulated that, "They should make war on those who were at war with Hasan, and should live in peace with those who were at peace with Hasan." This clearly suggests that the oath sworn by the Kufans was political. Thus, the temporal power that had been with the Prophet, joined with the caliphate of Ali about 24 years, 8 months and 28 days after the death of the Prophet. When Ali died, the same powers, though remained with the Ahl al-Bayt, were separated once again. The temporal authority had gone to the hands of Hasan, and the spiritual authority was inherited by Hussain and in his Hussainid progeny.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hasan Bin Ali Bin Abu Talib in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Articles Ltd.(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Education
Hasan Bin Muhammad Kiya Buzrug
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"Hasan, the son of Muhammad bin Kiya belonged to the peasant family of Rudhbar. Historian Kamaluddin (d. 660/1262) writes in Bugyat al-talab fi tarih al-Halab that, "Muhammad bin Kiya had two sons, called Hasan and Hussain, whom he put in school with Rashiduddin Sinan, and gave these three an exact treatment that are needed for supporting the children.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hasan Bin Muhammad Kiya Buzrug in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Web2Host.(read
entire article)
View : 369 Times
Category : Education
Hasan Bin Sabbah
By: ibrahim machiwala
"He was born on 428/1034 at Qumm. His father, Ali bin Muhammad bin Jafar bin al-Hussain bin Muhammad bin al-Sabbah al-Himyari was of Yamenite origin. From early age he acquired the rudiments of formal education from his father at home. When he was still a child, his father moved to Ray and it was there that Hasan bin Sabbah pursued his religious education.
Hasan bin Sabbah was an intelligent and proficient in geometry and astronomy. He learnt the Ismaili doctrines from a Fatimid da'i, Amir Dharrab. Convinced that Ismailism represented ultimate reality, he embraced Ismailism at the age of 35 years in 464/1071 and afterwards, he came into contact with a Fatimid da'i Abdul Malik bin Attash in Ispahan.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Hasan Bin Sabbah is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 867 Times
Category : Environment
Clinical Medicine Cases
By: ibrahim machiwala
Case 1:
• 50 year old man presented with generalized weakness, dizziness, lethargy for 10 days. He was also having loose stools for the past 15 days. On examination was pale and thin lean emaciated man. His blood pressure was 70/40 mm of mercury, with pulse of 130 beats / minute. He had bilateral decrease air entry on chest, epigastric tenderness and pedal edema on examination. Neurological exam was non focal. He had some history of undocumented weight loss, but no history of fever. His past history was significant for episodes of loose stools, which would resolve on taking antibiotics
• Hemoglobin: 8 mg/dl Abumin: 1.5
• MCV: 68 Total Bilirubin: 8.1
• WBC: 14 cmm Direct Bilurubin: 5.5
• Platelet: 176 GGT: 304
• SGPT:71
• RBS: 106 AP: 359
• BUN: 15
• Cr.:1 mg/dl ESR: 53
• Na: 126 meq Stool DR: Normal
• K: 4.6 meq Calcium: 7.3
• Cl: 111 Phos:1.6
• HCO: 18
Dr. Anwar Nabeel Jafri Chief Resident Internal Medicine in AKUH, Pakistan. He has written many articles on Abdominal Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis, Hyponatremia and for more Clinical Medicine Cases (read
entire article)
View : 352 Times
Category : Education
Pir Hasan Kabiruddin
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"Pir Hasan Kabiruddin, the son of Pir Sadruddin was generally known as Syed Hasan Shah, Pir Hasan Shah, Syed Sadat, Gur Pir Hasan al-Hussain, Makdum Syed Kabiruddin Shah etc. He is however known in Uchh Sharif as Hasan Dariya. He was born in Uchh Sharif in 742/1341 and was the first Indian pir to be born in India. He was endowed from birth with deep spiritual insight and strong common sense combined with sympathy and love for his fellow beings, and was also noted for his piety since childhood.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Pir Hasan Kabiruddin in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit Web2Host.(read
entire article)
View : 321 Times
Category : Education
Infection Control From A Nursing Perspective
By: ibrahim machiwala
The practice of medical asepsis helps to contain infectious organisms and to maintain an environment free from contamination. The techniques used to maintain medical asepsis include hand washing, gowning and wearing facial masks when appropriate, as well as separating clean from contaminated or potentially contaminated materials and providing information to patients about basic hygienic practices. Appropriate hand washing by the nurse and the patient remains the most important factor in preventing the spread of microorganisms.
Ibrahim Lodhi is a popular Web developer and Internet Marketer, He has written many popular articles on the topics finance, business, marketing, religious and health care management. must visit (read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Education
Hijrat Al-habashah
By: ibrahim machiwala
"When the sufferings and tribulations of the Muslims at the hands of the Meccans reached to its extreme in 615 A.D., the Prophet directed that those of them who could afford it should migrate to Abyssinia across the Red Sea, whose kings were known as the Negus (Najashi). As-Hama, the then Negus was a Christian king. Under the direction of the Prophet, eleven men and four women from among the Muslims migrated to Abyssinia. When the Meccans came to know of their migration, they were much upset and sent some men after them in pursuit, but the Muslims had a long start and could not be overtaken. This infuriated the malicious ones among the Meccans. They formed a deputation under Abdullah bin Rabi and Amr bin A'as, who went to Abyssinia with handsome presents to persuade the king to deliver the emigrants into their hands. In due course, this deputation stood in the presence of the king and listened to their representation. Then he sent for the refugees and asked them what they had to say.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Hijrat Al-Habashah is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 384 Times
Category : Environment
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
The word for emigration, hijra is derived from h-j-r means cutting oneself off from friendly or sociable relation, ceasing to speak to others, forsaking, abandoning, deserting, shunning or avoiding (4:34, 25:30, 74:5). It also means departure from the desert to the town or villages and vice versa. Its most common meaning is to forsake one's own land and take up residence in another country. The Koran frequently uses the variations of the root kh-r-j to convey this sense (4:66, 8:30, 9:40, 60:1). It also has been interpreted to mean an emigration from the territory of unbelievers to the territory of believers for the sake of religion (4:97, 29:26). Technically, the term hijra has been used to designate the emigration of the Prophet and his early Companions from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D. Its (hijra) various derivatives appear 31 times in the Koran, 16 of which refer to the emigration of Muslims from Mecca to Medina and the departure from home for the cause of God.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hijra in Encyclopedia of Ismailsm, must Visit BlogsBasket.(read
entire article)
View : 452 Times
Category : Education
Abdullah Hashim Gangji, Count
By: ibrahim machiwala
Hashim Gangji was a native of Bhuj, Kutchh but migrated to East Africa in 1871. His son Abdullah was however born in Zanzibar in 1906, where he did his early schooling and subsequently went into business. He was an eminent clove merchant.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written biography of ismaili heroes such as Abdullah Hashim Gangji in 101 Ismaili Heroes,(read
entire article)
View : 549 Times
Category : Education