Here's the recent articles submitted by ibrahim machiwala
Articles By ibrahim machiwala
Focus Humanitarian Assistance
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance is an international group of agencies established to compliment and facilitate the provision of emergency humanitarian assistance in specific regions of Africa and Asia. This global institution with an international mandate, seeks to enable the local jamats to prepare for hazards, respond to crisis situations, and where possible, to avert disaster or minimize its impact. FOCUS meets its challenging and growing mandate through the dedication, energy and intellect of hundreds of volunteers and professionals who form the backbone of FOCUS.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Focus Humanitarian Assistance in Aga Khan Development Network, must read Aga Khan Education Services. etc.(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Environment
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
Ghibah is the verbal noun (masdar) of ghaba and also that of ightiyab means backbiting. Jawahari writes, "It is said ighatabahu ightiyaban when one falls into backbiting. The noun is al-ghibah, and it means saying such things about an absent person. If it is true it is called ghibah and if false, buhtan (slander)." The Koran specifies the varieties of evil speech, which violate the dignity of others and seek to expose their weakness. In the following text the believers are instructed on this theme: "O believers! Let not people ridicule other people, perchance the latter may be better than the former, not let women ridicule other women, perchance the latter may be better than the former. Neither find fault with each other, nor insult one another with derisive nicknames" (49:11). This is immediately followed by another passage, which singles out backbiting (ghibah) and depicts its enormity in particularly striking terms: "Spy not and defame not others behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? (Surely) you would abhor it" (49:12). Elsewhere in the Koran is the chapter bearing the title, "The Slanderer" (al-Humazah), begins with a clarion denunciation of every slandering defamer (104:1). The whole of this chapter is devoted to a rigorous condemnation of backbiting.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Ghibah in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must Visit Ismaili Portal(read
entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : Education
Spectrum Of Abdominal Tuberculosis (atb)
By: ibrahim machiwala
Tuberculosis is one of the deadliest diseases.
WHO estimates that each year more than 8 million new cases of tuberculosis occur and approximately 3 million persons die from the disease.
Dr. Anwar Nabeel Jaffri (Chief Resident) Internal Medicine in AKUH, Pakistan. He has written many articles on Abdominal Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis and Hyponatremia, for more research's of Dr. Nabeel Jaffri visit
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View : 288 Times
Category : Environment
Global Centre For Pluralism
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
The Present Imam founded the Global Centre for Pluralism on April 18, 2005 in Ottawa. The Global Centre for Pluralism will be a non-denominational, not-for-profit, Canadian organization with global reach. The Government of Canada said it would contribute CAD$30 million to the Centre. The initial investment by the Aga Khan Development Network will be CAD$40 million. The mission of the Global Centre for Pluralism will be to promote pluralist values and practices in culturally diverse societies worldwide to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to realize his or her full potential as a citizen, irrespective of cultural, ethnic or religious differences.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Global Centre For Pluralism in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must Visit Articles Ltd.(read
entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : Environment
Golden Jubilees
By: ibrahim machiwala
"In August, 1935, Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah completed 50 years of his spiritual leadership and the Ismailis decided to pay a memorable tribute to their Imam by weighing him against gold and making a present of it, as a mark of their love and gratitude. For this grand program, an All-India Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee had been formed, which was inaugurated by Lady Aly Shah on October 16, 1935 at Bombay. Sir Ibrahim Rehmatullah was elected its President and Ghulam Ali Merchant as the Vice-President. Its working committee assigned Pir Sabzali to generate necessary donations through out India. The funds raising campaign started on October 23, 1935 from Kathiawar. He succeeded to collect a sum of five lac rupees in India.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Golen Jubilees is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 432 Times
Category : Environment
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
The word hadith (pl. ahadith), occurring 23 times in the Koran, is a noun formed from the verb hadatha means to be new. The Hebrew hadash carries the same meaning. From this followed the use of the term for a piece of news, tale, story or a report. The story tellers were also called hudath. The Muslims since the very lifetime of the Prophet called the report with regard to his sayings as the hadith.
The Prophet of Islam was not only the transmitter of the Koran, but he also interpreted it. The only difference between the ordinary expressions of the Prophet and his revelations consists in the fact that the former are Divine in content alone, the latter are Divine in form as well. The ground for the view is afforded by the Koran: "And We have revealed you the exhortation (i.e., the Koran) in order that you may explain to men what has been revealed to them" (16:46).
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hadith in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must Visit Ezine Valley.(read
entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Education
Hai Zinda - Qaim Paya
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
In Ismaili tariqah when one enters the Jamatkhana, he in a bold clear voice utters Hai Zinda i.e., "He (Imam) is living." In reciprocation of which, those assembled within the prayer hall respond by pronouncing Qaim Paya i.e., (We) found (Imam) for ever." When the prayer is in progress, Hai Zinda is not pronounced aloud, but wished in the mind by those who enter the prayer hall. Pir Sadruddin said, "One who says Hai Zinda, he will be rewarded equal to an elephant given away in charity; and he who says Qaim Paya will get reward as if he has given a horse in charity."
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hai Zinda - Qaim Paya in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must Visit Explore Article.(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Education
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"The word hajj literally means repairing to a thing for the sake of a visit (al-qasd li-l ziyara), and in the technicality of law of repairing to the House of God to observe the necessary devotions (iqamat an li-l-nusuk). The word hajj occurs nine times in the Koran in five different verse (2:189), three times in 2:196, three times; and once each in 2:197, 9:3 and 22:27.
The hajj takes place in Zul Hijja, the last month of the Muslim year. On the 7th day of the month, the pilgrims start the rite of ihram (derived from haram meaning prevention or forbidding, or entering upon a state in which a particular dress is put on. The ihram dress consists of two seamless sheets, a sheet reaching from the navel to below the knees and a sheet, which covers the upper part of the body. Both these sheets must be, preferably, white) from the miqat (a place where a person intending hajj), then enter al-masjid al-haram, preferably through bab as-salam (the gate of peace) and listen to a sermon describing the rites, which they are about to perform. The rites themselves begin on the 8th. After the dawn prayer, the participants perform tawaf (tawaf al-qudum, the making circumambulation of arrival) and sa'y. They then proceed to Mina, which is about three miles from Mecca, where they offer the prayers. After sunrise on the 9th, they proceed to the plain of Arafat, which is nine miles further east, repeating talbiya on the way. The talbiya consists in saying aloud labbaika Allah-umma labbaika means "Here am I, O God! Here am I in Your August Presence." At Arafat, the guide pitches a tent, either on the plain or, if possible, on the adjacent mountain, Jabal Rahma (the Mount of Mercy), the khutba is delivered from the pulpit of Jabal al-Rahma.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hajj in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must Visit Blog2Read.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Education
Halal Wa Haram
By: ibrahim machiwala
The words halal means lawful, allowed or permitted, and haram means unlawful, forbidden or prohibited, and cognate terms from the trilateral roots h-l-l and h-r-m respectively, most often designate these two categories and are of relatively frequent occurrence. The Koranic declaration of lawfulness or unlawfulness are limited to a relatively few areas of the law as later elaborated by the jurists. Apart from denoting lawfulness, the root h-l-l indicates an exit from the ritual state connected with the pilgrimage and re-entry into the profane state (idha halal-tun) (5:2). The most common means for indicating lawfulness in the Koran is to use the causative verb ahalla means to make lawful, usually with God as the subject: "He makes the good things lawful for them" (7:157), but it is sometimes passive (5:1) concerning certain livestock. In one instance it occurs in the first person plural, in an address to the Prophet (33:50).
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Halal Wa Haram is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Environment
Hamiduddin Kirmani
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"Hamiduddin Kirmani was born most probably in 352/933. His family hailed from Kirman as his name indicates, but it is not known where he was born. He first studied the esoteric science under Abu Yaqub al-Sijjistani (d. 360/971), and then went to Cairo for further studies.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Hamiduddin Kirmani in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must Visit Articles Bridge.(read
entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Education