Here's the recent articles submitted by ibrahim machiwala
Articles By ibrahim machiwala
Bai Budhai
By: ibrahim machiwala
Syed Ruknuddin, the son of Pir Hasan Kabiruddin had a daughter, called Bibi Jeval or Bibi Jivan Khatoon. She married to Pir Hasan Kabiruddin and had five sons and a daughter, called Bai Budhai. The biography of Bai Budhai is not found in early or later sources. We have very brief scrap of the traditions. She is referred simply as the daughter of Pir Hasan Kabiruddin or the sister of Syed Imam Shah (d. 926/1520) and nothing else. Syed Imam Shah was the younger son of Pir Hasan Kabiruddin through Bibi Hurmat Khatoon, and the meager detail of Bai Budhai makes little concern connected with him. She is brought on historical record after the death of Pir Hasan Kabiruddin in 853/1449. Whatever is known about her is derived from her dialogues with Syed Imam Shah in the treatise comprised of 71 ginans, entitled Syed Imam Shah tatha Bai Budhai'no Samvad, in which it infers that she complained to Syed Imam Shah their parents died during their small ages (47:5). The age of Syed Imam Shah was about 19 years during the death of his father in 853/1449. It suggests that Bai Budhai's age would have been 16 to 17 years, and as such she was born most possibly in 835/1432 or 836/1433. Summing up the fragments of the ginans, it appears that the name Budhai was her pen name. It is said that her marriage took place with a rich cotton merchant of Syed family. She led a prosperous life, but did not adhere to the path of her forefathers.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Bai Budhai is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 431 Times
Category : Education
By: ibrahim machiwala
The word baiyat, occurring 14 times in the Koran is derived from ba'ya meaning sale and purchase, bargain or transaction. In Arabic the word yabi'u means to sell, ba'a means he sold, al-bai'u means sale and al-baya means sale and purchase. In Islamic terminology, the term baya refers to an agreement or undertaking between the master and his followers. Other synonymous expressions appearing in the Koran are al-ahd (13:19-20) and al-mithaq (33:7, 5:14). Thus, baya or baiyat means an agreement or spiritual undertaking between the Lord and his followers. When one swears an oath of allegiance (baiyat), he gets guarantee from his Lord.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many surveys on religion of islam and ismailism such as Baiyat, 101 Ismaili Heroes, Ismaili Imams biography, Jubilees, history and tradition.(read
entire article)
View : 418 Times
Category : Education
Baltit Fort
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"The Hunza valley, a region within the Northern Areas of Pakistan, close to the border with China, reflects the dramatic terrain of the Karakoram Mountain Range, is inhabited by the Ismailis. Hunza was an autonomous feudal kingdom ruled by the Mir until 1974, when it became part of Pakistan's Northern Areas. The history of the Baltit Fort is not precisely known. It was only at the turn of the last century that occupying British forces, compiled written descriptions and some photographic records. According to the local traditions, ascertained by recent scientific testing, the fort was built eight hundred years ago and became a part of the dowry when a princess of Baltistan married the reigning prince of Hunza. More than 70 phases of construction were identified using archaeological techniques during the survey and conservation of the Fort. One of Baltit's earliest phases was dated by Carbon 14 tests and found to be more than 700 years old. The fort, which was described by C.P. Skrine in his Chinese Central Asia as the "most impressively situated mediaeval castle in the world," Until 50 years ago, it remained the residence of the Mirs of Hunza. The plan of the building indicates that it began with a nucleus of one or two fortified houses, which then evolved into a fort towering above the village. The second storey and part of a third were added at different moments over time. The top storey was modified by adding verandas, thus transforming the structure from a fort into a palace.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, Aga Khan, AKDN and Baltit Fort in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must read 101 Ismaili Heroes etc.(read
entire article)
View : 390 Times
Category : Entertainment
Black Clothes
By: ibrahim machiwala
The word aswad derived from swd means black, occurring seven times in the Koran (2:187, 3:106, 35:27). In the sense of an original black colour, the word aswad occurs only twice: "When you can tell a white thread from a black on in the light of the approaching dawn" (2:187) and "black mountains" (35:27). The word muswadd (dark-faced) is used in 16:58 and its parallel (43:17) to suggest the darkening of the face in the light of bad news as reflection of grief. Other words generally understood as the colour black or dark hues include ahwa in 87:5. The word hamida in 22:5 means lifeless and is ordinarily taken as black-ended. Another term mudhamm used in 55:64 in the sense of dark green, tending to black.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many surveys on religion of islam and ismailism such as Black Clothes, 101 Ismaili Heroes, Ismaili Imams biography, Jubilees, history and tradition.(read
entire article)
View : 362 Times
Category : Environment
Chand Bibi
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
Lack of material does not enable to give a detailed account of the Ismaili influence after the death of Shah Tahir Hussain Dakkani on 956/1549 in Ahmadnagar, India. We do not have explicit details, whether his descendants continued the Ismaili mission in the cloak of Shi'ism or not. There are however certain strong indications that a lady ruler, named Chand Bibi was secretly an Ismaili, but her faith is shrouded in her political activities.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Chand Bibi in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must read 101 Ismaili Heroes etc.(read
entire article)
View : 372 Times
Category : Religion
By: ibrahim machiwala
The word chhanta is an Indian word, means an act of sprinkling (the water). Its synonymous in Arabic is rashash means to sprinkle, and rashash'tun (pl. rashashat) means an act of sprinkle (of water). Its proper word in Persian is pashidan. It is a sin that defiles man and renders him impure. The chhanta is a symbolic rite in Ismaili tariqah to dissipate the sins or forgiveness. It is also an act of the purity of body, soul and intellect, thus the sanctified water is sprinkled three times on the face of the believers in its rite.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Chhanta is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 332 Times
Category : Education
Conciliation And Arbitration Board (cab)
By: ibrahim machiwala
With the imposition of the New Constitution of the Shi'a Ismaili Muslims in 1986, the Conciliation and Arbitration Board (CAB) came into existence for the first time in the Ismaili world. Previously, the Ismaili Councils executed the judicial activities in the community. The judicial activities of the Council thenceforward consigned to the newly formed Conciliation and Arbitration Board.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many surveys on religion of islam and ismailism such as CAB Board, 101 Ismaili Heroes, Ismaili Imams biography, Jubilees, history and tradition.(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Environment
Syed Dadu
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
Syed Dadu, or Pir Dadu was a gifted vakil in Sind. He was born in 879/1474. He was an efficient scholar of Arabic and Persian and acquired high command in Indian languages. His lineage runs as Syed Daud bin Yasir bin Khair al-Din bin Mahr al-Din bin Gul Muhammad bin Hashim bin Moinuddin bin Aminuddin bin Buraqanuddin bin Shamsul wa Shak bin Quwwamuddin bin Syed Ali bin Muhammad bin Hussain bin Daud bin Zaid bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hamza bin Yousuf bin Hasan bin Sakhaudullah bin Abul Hasan bin Abdullah bin Ali Jawad bin Imam Zayn al-Abidin.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Pir Dadu in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must read 101 Ismaili Heroes etc.(read
entire article)
View : 297 Times
Category : Religion
Dar Al-hikmah
Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
"Amid the surging splendour, Imam al-Hakim emerges as an unusual personality judged by any standard. He founded Dar al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), also known as Dar al-Ilm (House of Knowledge) in 395/1004, where the sciences including astronomy, logic, philosophy, mathematics, history, theology, languages and medicines were taught. Qadi Abul Aziz bin Muhammad bin Noman was its first supervisor. This academy was connected with the royal palace, enriched with a huge library, and distinct conference rooms and chambers. The scientists, philosophers, professors, theologians, scholars etc conducted scholastic activities. Staff of clerks and servants was employed for the upkeep of the institution. Scientists, professors and learned men were employed as lecturers.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many articles on Ismaili Imam, Ismailism, and Dar Al-Hikmah in Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must read 101 Ismaili Heroes etc.(read
entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Education
By: ibrahim machiwala
The Persian word darkhana, is composed of two syllables, dar and khana. The preposition dar means in, and khana means house. Thus, the darkhana means in the house. Any specific thing in the house is also called darkhana. Another view suggests that it is derived from darb-i khana means chief place of residence, or dari khana, a residence with big windows being used for the royal meetings. In Ismaili terminology, it represents specific abode of the Imam, or Imam's headquarters.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Darkhana is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read
entire article)
View : 363 Times
Category : Education