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Articles By ibrahim machiwala

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Hoodia Gordonii Helps You Lose Weight   By: ibrahim machiwala
Hoodia gordonii looks like a cactus, but it's actually a succulent from the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. Bushmen from the area have been using hoodia for centuries to help ward off hunger during long trips in the desert. for more information visit: Hoodia Balance and http://www.text2read.com(read entire article)
View : 311 Times
Category : Fitness

Lawful & Unlawful Food   By: ibrahim machiwala
While the people were brought up in an environment deeply influenced by centuries’ old custom, religious superstitions and prejudices, it was not easy to break down the barriers, because their minds agitated by doubts, which could be, as they wanted, removed by further instructions. That is the reason that the Koran repeatedly made statement dealing with the various kinds of foods lawful or unlawful to Muslims. Thus, the second time a statement akin to the first one (6:145) was revealed: “So eat of what God has provided you, lawful and good; and be you thankful for the blessing of God, if it be Him that you serve. These things only He has forbidden you carrion, blood, and the flesh of swine, what has been hallowed to other than God. Yet whoso is constrained, not desiring nor transgressing, the God is Forgiving, Merciful. And do not say, as to what your tongue falsely describe, “this is lawful and this is forbidden,” so that you may forge against God falsehood, surely those who forge against God falsehood shall not prosper” (16:114-118). Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many books on Religious Practices, Tradition and Culture of Islam and Ismailism, Harm and Halal Food is the topic from his book. Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must read about Lawful & Unlawful Food.(read entire article)
View : 322 Times
Category : Food, Cooking and Drink

Origin Of The Word “assassins”   By: ibrahim machiwala
The Ismailis were not a band of terrorists, but their fighting against their oppressors was a struggle for survival. Mediaeval Europeans, who remained absolutely ignorant of Muslim beliefs and practices, had transmitted a number of tales, and produced a perverted image of the Ismailis. Rene Dussaud writes in Histoire et Religion des Nosaires (Paris, 1900) that, "One of the very few Europeans who have appreciated the good points of this remarkable sect and who is of opinion that the judgments pronounced by western scholars are marked by an excessive severity. It is certainly wrong to confound as do the Musulman doctors, in one common reprobation. And the Old Man of the Mountain himself was not so black as it is custom to paint him." In more recent times, too, many western scholars have continued to apply the ill-conceived term Assassins to the Nizari Ismailis without being aware of its etymology or dubious origin. Paul E. Walker makes his comments in his Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani: Intellectual Missionary (London, 1996, p. 1) that, "Until recently, however, the Ismailis were studied and judged almost exclusively on the basis of the evidence collected or fabricated by their enemies, including the bulk of the medieval Sunni heresiographers and polemicists who were hostile towards the Shi’is in general and the Ismailis among them in particular. These Sunni authors in fact treated Shi’ite interpretations of Islam as expressions of heterodoxy or even heresy. As a result, a ‘black legend’ was gradually developed and put into circulation in the Muslim world to discredit the Ismailis and their interpretations of Islam. Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, He has written many books on Religious Practices and Pillars, tradition and culture of Islam and Ismailism, Origin Of The Word “Assassins” is an article taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism.(read entire article)
View : 638 Times
Category : Education

Hoodia Liquid Extract Vs Hoodia Pill    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
On the other hand, Hoodia in a liquid form can be absorbed almost immediately, and the majority of people will experience its effects in just a few minutes after swallowing it. Liquid Hoodia has a superior absorption rate as opposed to the pill/tablet while it can provide you with the same or better results than the pill or tablet even at a lower dosage. for more information visit: Hoodia Balance and http://www.blogsbasket.com(read entire article)
View : 369 Times
Category : Fitness

Hoodia Press Release    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
60 MINUTES on CBS news featured Hoodia, reporting " Hoodia is very different from other diet stimulants like Ephedra and Phenfen that are now banned because of dangerous side effects. Hoodia does not stimulate the body. In fact, scientists say it fools the brain by making you think you're full, even if you've just eaten a morsel." for more information visit: Hoodia Balance and http://health.update.pk(read entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Fitness

Hoodia Review - Does Hoodia Work For Weight Loss?    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
The South African scientists, working with a British company named Phytopharm, isolated the active ingredient in hoodia, a steroidal glycoside, which they named p57. After getting a patent in 1995, they licensed p57 to Phytopharm. Phytopharm has spent more than $20 million on hoodia research. for more information visit: Hoodia Balance and http://www.web2host.biz/SubmitArticle(read entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Fitness

Hoodia Safety Guidelines    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
60 MINUTES on CBS news featured Hoodia, reporting " Hoodia is very different from other diet stimulants like Ephedra and Phenfen that are now banned because of dangerous side effects. Hoodia does not stimulate the body. In fact, scientists say it fools the brain by making you think you're full, even if you've just eaten a morsel." for more information visit: Hoodia Balance and http://www.update.pk(read entire article)
View : 365 Times
Category : Fitness

Brotherhood Key To Universal Peace   By: ibrahim machiwala
These days His Highness prince karim Aga khan is also working die heartedly to promote peace; He is ambassador of peace and due to His efforts for enhancing good relations among East and West He received tolerance award in 2006. He always brings organizations from West to work with AKDN to promote quality of life of people of East, ultimately the relations among different kinds of people would increase and dislikes among people would diminish. Sumaira Sachwani is a professional nurse (BScN), her interest in writing articles has provided a special place between young ismaili scholars, Her theories belongs to reality and our lives. Sumaira is very much honest with her religious practices and responsibilities. For more about Sumaira Sachwani research must Visit Most Merciful(read entire article)
View : 508 Times
Category : Education

How Is Hoodia Gordonii Related To Dieting?    Submitted as: Ibrahim Machiwala Lodhi
Though Hoodia Gordonii looks very much like a ‘cactus’, it is actually a leafless succulent with cactus like spikes. Whenever the early African tribesmen traveled on long hunting expeditions, they used to consume the Hoodia Gordonii ‘cactus’ to help stave-off hunger on their prolong trips. As its natural ability to safely curb the appetite has become well known in the recent past. Hoodia Gordonii's popularity has exploded. A certified pure Hoodia Gordonii diet pills are available now in the market. for more information visit: Hoodia Balance and http://www.efunhosting.com(read entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Fitness

Keep Your Christmas Shopping Simple With Virginia Gift Store   By: ibrahim machiwala
Whether you're shopping ahead of time or doing some last-minute shopping for Christmas, you'll find some of our ideas helpful. Avoid the crowds, spend less money, and find gifts that everyone will really appreciate. Today almost every major retailer and specialty store has a website and offers online shopping. You can take care of all your shopping on one or two sites and find something for everyone. Books, plants, small appliances, toys, and clothing are easy to find. Be sure to confirm shipping times and options. If you need specific information about items, use the store's customer service department and call. Mike is the Sales Representative of Virginia Gift Store, One of the US largest Online Store, Gift for all occasions. Selling a large range of seasonal gifts, an exclusive discount offers from 5% to 40% on all kind of Occasional Gifts. Va-GiftStore customers choice.(read entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

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