Here's the recent articles submitted by david white
Articles By david white
4 Ways The Pandemic Has Changed Home Design
Submitted as: Josydecor
The pandemic has changed lives around the world, and for many of us, those changes have become permanent. Some changes are more desirable and necessary than others, while there are plenty that have enhanced our lives for the better, such as a renewed focus on the importance of our home spaces and how we design and decorate them.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Business
How Rugs Can Transform Your Interior Spaces
Submitted as: Josydecor
Whether you're seeking to update a tired living space, or are designing an entirely new home from scratch, rugs and other soft furnishings are a wonderfully effective and affordable way to elevate a room or space, and in some cases, to make a very real statement about who you are and what your home symbolises.(read
entire article)
View : 160 Times
Category : Business
Thrifty Ideas For Updating Your Living Room
Submitted as: Josydecor
Sometimes, all it takes to transform a room are a few simple ideas that don't cost the earth, but not everyone can find the inspiration they need without a little help. With this in mind, here are some budget busting ways to update your living room and make it a comfortable and attractive space to relax in:(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Business
5 Tips On How To Use Social Media For Your Ecommerce Business
By: david white
With the rise in eCommerce, we also see stiff competition among businesses. The competitive online business market presents a do-or-die situation.(read
entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : Business
How To Expand Your Cosmetics Online Business Globally
By: david white
One of the most successful types of eCommerce enterprises in the entire world is comprised of online cosmetics retail stores. If the quality of your cosmetic products is high enough and you have the motivation to expand, you absolutely have the opportunity to stretch your online cosmetic business on a global scale.(read
entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : Business
The Impact Of Rising E-commerce Growth On Logistics Companies?
By: david white
In the past few years, ecommerce has witnessed a staggering growth given the improved awareness among the public, infrastructural improvement, and appealing online shopping offers among many other things.(read
entire article)
View : 138 Times
Category : Business
Why Is It Important For Companies To Apply For Gmp Certification?
Submitted as: Mandreel
There is nothing more essential to the success of your business than maintaining quality control over the products you offer. This is the reason it is essential to guarantee that your production is GMP-Certified, which stands for good manufacturing practice certified. This is a control system that ensures your products are being manufactured to the appropriate quality standards and are being regulated following those requirements.(read
entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Business
Why Is It Important For Companies To Apply For Haccp Certification?
Submitted as: Mandreel
Any organization that is involved in the food production industry and wishes to be seen as trustworthy and trade-worthy must, in most instances, implement and maintain a HACCP system that is in full working order. Compliance with HACCP regulations is obligatory in some nations, such as the United States and the members of the European Union. In addition, a functional HACCP program can reduce the likelihood of expensive mistakes, which can cause a loss of revenue and harm customers.(read
entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Business
Kepatuhan Iso 9001:2015
Submitted as: Mandreel
ISO 9001merupakanturunandaristandarmutu ISO 9000 yang menguraikankonsepdasardanprinsip-prinsipsistemmanajemenmutu (Quality Management System/QMS) yang efektif. ISO 9001 merupakansatu-satunyaturunandari ISO 9000 yang dapatdiberikansertifikasi. Denganlebihdari 1 jutasertifikasi yang telahditerbitkanpada 190 negara, ISO 9001 merupakansalahsatustandaryang paling populerdari22000+standar ISO yang adasaatini.(read
entire article)
View : 167 Times
Category : Business
Sistemmanajemenmutu Iso 9001: 7 Prinsiputama
Submitted as: Mandreel
Perusahaan yang inginmemilikisertifikasi ISO 9001 ataupun yang hanyamementingkankepatuhan ISO 9001 akanmelalui proses penerapansistemmanajemenmutudanmenetapkankebijakan, prosedurserta proses yang sesuaidenganpersyaratanstandar ISO. Perbedaanantarasertifikasi ISO dankepatuhan ISO adalahjenis audit yang dilakukan. Perusahaan yang memilihkepatuhan ISO harusmelakukan audit secaramandiri (self-audit) untukmemastikanbahwapenerapansistemmanajemenmutumerekaefektifdanpatuhsesuaipersyaratanstandar ISO, sedangkanuntuksertifikasiakanmelaluiproses validasi formal secaraindependenatau yang dikenaldengan audit sertifikasi.(read
entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : Business