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Articles By claude johnson

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Blues Guitar Scales   By: claude johnson
The sound of someone playing blues on guitar includes a very distinct sound. From Eric Clapton to Stevie Ray Vaughan the sound they might make is usually referred to as smoky because of its alluring power.(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Music

Beginner Chords On Guitar   By: claude johnson
Congratulations to any or all those rockers, blues, classic, jazz and other varieties of beginners guitar enthusiasts who have taken the road to begin guitar lessons, to experience better and more importantly of sound better.(read entire article)
View : 218 Times
Category : Music

Beginner Guitar Lessons   By: claude johnson
Beginners guitar lessons need to be fun if the keen student would be to learn all of the skills and techniques that take chords, and chord progressions and turn all of them in to our favorite songs.(read entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : Music

Guitar Lessons For Guitar Beginners   By: claude johnson
People spend years and years learning their craft. They've read all the books, all of the articles, watched the DVD’s and more recently podcasts to try and discover the all important how to’s.(read entire article)
View : 208 Times
Category : Music

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