Here's the recent articles submitted by russel mori
Articles By russel mori
Pound Loses Ground Against Euro As Sterling Hits Low
Submitted as: russelmori
Investment market volatility and currency exchange remains a challenge. The global economics are volatile and unprecedented in history. Currency exchange continues to concern expats with UK pensions, QROPS and now QNUPS (Qualifying non UK Pension schemes).(read
entire article)
View : 160 Times
Category : Business
Japan Into A Qualified Recession Sterling & Euro Improve
Submitted as: russelmori
Investment market volatility and currency exchange remains a challenge. The global economics are volatile and unprecedented in history. Currency exchange continues to concern expats with UK Pensions, QROPS and now QNUPS (Qualifying non UK Pension schemes).(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Sterling Near A Two-week High Against The Weak Dollar
Submitted as: russelmori
Investment market volatility and currency exchange remains a challenge. The global economics are volatile and unprecedented in history. Currency exchange continues to concern expats with UK Pensions, QROPS and now QNUPS (Qualifying non UK Pension schemes).(read
entire article)
View : 153 Times
Category : Business
Uk Pmi Construction Figures Better Greece Receives Another Downgrade
Submitted as: russelmori
Sterling hit a two-week low versus the Euro yesterday, hurt by dovish comments from a UK policymaker which added weight to the view that interest rates will stay on hold for some time. Sterling/Euro declined to 1.1292 and was on course to test further, this has been the lowest in four weeks, with the pound extending falls suffered Wednesday after surprisingly weak manufacturing data.(read
entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Business
The Pound Falls A Session Low Sterling Improves Slightly
Submitted as: russelmori
Investment market volatility and currency exchange remains a challenge. The global economics are volatile and unprecedented in history. Currency exchange continues to concern expats with UK Pensions, QROPS and now QNUPS (Qualifying non UK Pension schemes).(read
entire article)
View : 158 Times
Category : Business
Sterling Loses Ground New Finance Minister In Greece
Submitted as: russelmori
Despite the markets being very concerned about an agreement not being reached in Greece sterling lost ground against the European single currency on Friday following reports that Germany and France had agreed to work with the ECB to resolve the problem. The Greeks did manage to get something done during the week,(read
entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Business
May Uk Fiscal Numbers As Expected Interest Payments Rise
Submitted as: russelmori
In a separate development, sterling dropped to session lows after one of the policymakers for the Bank of England, Paul Fisher, struck a more dovish tone and kept alive the chances of more Quantative Easing (QE). He said that if the Bank of England's policymakers saw mid-term inflation turning into deflation, they may have to consider more QE and added QE was very much “on the table” as a policy option.(read
entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Insurance
Loan Figures Reflect Weak Consumer Confidence
Submitted as: russelmori
Over in Europe, the Business Climate Indicator fell for the fourth consecutive month in June 2011. The current level of the indicator remains very high, but the consecutive drops observed may suggest that the euro-area industry has entered a phase of growth moderation, The drop in The BCI reflects weakening production expectations, export order books and managers' employment expectations.(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Insurance
Sterling Rises While U.s. Employment Growth Halts
Submitted as: russelmori
Sterling rebounded against the dollar on Friday, after much weaker than forecast US jobs data drove investors who had added bullish bets on the greenback in expectation of a strong number to unwind those positions. Sterling rose to a session high of $1.6078 reversing earlier losses, with investors now targeting the July 6 high of $1.6090(read
entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Insurance
Factors Affecting Currency Exchange And Need For Sensible Investment
Submitted as: russelmori
Sterling climbed to a near three week high against a broadly weaker dollar which was still being hurt by Ben Bernanke's comments in the recent press conferences. Sterling hit a three week high of $1.6195 early in the day as investors continued to sell the dollar after Moody's warned it could cut U.S ratings as Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke hinted at further policy
entire article)
View : 223 Times
Category : Insurance