Here's the recent articles submitted by kirthy shetty
Articles By kirthy shetty
Medical Research: Making Life Healthier And Happier
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Suddenly we see so many elderly people wobbling their way along the roads, and wonder, wow, such energy, even at this age! The increased lifespan of humans in the recent years can be attributed to the significant developments resulting from medical research.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Business
Pharamaceutical Industry: A Promising Future
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
High life expectancy and lower death rates are attributed to the valuable contributions by the Pharma Industry. The pharmaceutical industry is a constantly evolving one.(read
entire article)
View : 160 Times
Category : Business
Competitive Inteligence: It Is Wiser To Find Out Than To Suppose
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
It is often said that if you know yourself well, but not your enemy, for every victory gained, you will suffer one defeat.(read
entire article)
View : 150 Times
Category : Business
Best Practises Management: A Crown Jewel In The Company's Assets
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Benchmarking is very popular today -- but companies benchmark the wrong thing. They benchmark what other companies do, when they should be benchmarking how those companies think.(read
entire article)
View : 156 Times
Category : Business
Schizencephaly Treatment: G Therapy Shows Positive Effects
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Schizencephaly also known as Split Brain is a medical condition due to splits or clefts in the brain tissue. This is a very rare condition and is caused due to poor anatomical development of the embroytic brain durig the first seven months of pregnancy.(read
entire article)
View : 152 Times
Category : Health
Cerebral Palsy: A Note To The Patient And Their Peers
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Palsy is a general term used in medicine to denote paralysis of any part of the body resulting in senselessness on the affected part and rampant body motions.(read
entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Health
Launching A Product: Few Things You Must Know
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Every such shriek of joy that sends through an average citizen is a covetous asset for a firm. This is that for which they invest millions of money and countless research hours.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Business
Compensation Claims For Lung Cancer
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Before going to deal with compensation claims, first we must know what’s Lung Cancer? Cancer is destructive disease in mankind history that causes uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the human body.(read
entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Health
A Quick Glance At Asbestos Compensation Claims
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Asbestos fibers when inhaled are capable of causing hazardous health issues. On inhaling it, the fibers get deposited on the lung tissue and cause scarring and thickening.(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Health
A Few Things You Must Know About Asbestos Claims
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Despite the jeopardy of cancer, many industries still use asbestos as it is one of the cheapest materials that can insulate heat and electricity.(read
entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Health