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Articles By kirthy shetty

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Smart Way To Deal With Debts!    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Debts may become a nightmare when you have creditors calling you and you see bills piling up like there’s no end to it. You are hard pressed with time and money and cannot deal with your multiple dues. How best can you tackle them? You may get into a fit of depression. Stress can take away most of your mental peace and make you get disoriented. People often need medical care when there’s high level of stress which they cannot handle. As a result they stay away from work and augment the financial problems. They may be deprived of salary and handling debts is far from being a reality. Money sickness syndrome is what most of them experience. Therefore, do not let debts grow in an insurmountable form and get into high stress levels. Take the stress away both mental and financial by handling your debts in wise manner. If you think there are unmanageable pending dues, the better way to deal with it is to consolidate all of them into one. Seeking for advice to handle financial predicament is the first best thing to do. You can then, merge all your pending debts into one loan and handle single consolidated loan. Handling them with a single payment lets you enjoy better financial freedom. Negotiating with your creditor is the right thing to do when you realise that you are npt in a position to handle them. Creditor will definitely agree to it as he knows that you are broke and would want to recover atleast a portion of his debt if not the full amount. The creditors can choose to accept or reject your offer of repayment. However, if they reject it then the most that they can feasibly do is to take court action. This may indeed be an advantage for you as the court will look at your circumstances and construct a repayment plan that you can afford whilst getting the creditors off your back. Reach out to advisors from your Citizens Advice Bureau who will be able to contact the lender for you. Make sure if the lender has applied Payment protection insurance to your credit that you claim for this. Under no circumstances should you pay these lenders before you have paid your priority debts such as mortgages and energy bills. If any threatening tactics are used by these lenders report them to the Office of Fair Trading and make them aware you will be doing this.(read entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Debt Management Plans - To Solve Your Financial Problems!    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Debt relief plans don’t work like your head ache pills. They don’t relieve you off your debt problems instantly. If you enrol yourself with a debt management plan, you must wait to see results.(read entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Debt Advisors - Can Be Of Help To You. How?    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
If debt has taken a toll in your financial life, you must know how to override them. Do not ignore them, as they may grow beyond your control.(read entire article)
View : 181 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Debt Consolidation May Be Of Help - Weigh Your Pros And Cons!    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Debt consolidation comes as a life saviour to those who are overwhelmed in debts. It’s not too late though, you can approach for solutions to ward off your financial quagmire. More time you take to solve your problems, deeper and deeper you get into it.(read entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Expert Help To Get Out Of Your Debt Problems?    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Remember that there is no quick way to take control of your finances. You must understand that taking control of debt payments will be a bit tedious if you don’t approach an expert who can help you out with it.(read entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

How Can You Make Use Of Debt Management Plan?    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Take right steps before you drown deep in debts. The dooms day will not be too far, if you don’t act now. Debt management plan can let you take control of your ever increasing debts.(read entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Debt Management Or Consolidation - Which One Works For You?    Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
How do you think debt consolidation expert will help you? You may have been wondering how to get out of debt. But, you are not arriving at a feasible solution.(read entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

How To Handle Spiraling Debts?   By: kirthy shetty
Is debt spiraling out of control? If you are getting financially burdened, then you need to consider financial solutions to overcome these qualms. You may be an amateur in this field as you have taken up loans and have defaulted on them for the first time.(read entire article)
View : 200 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

How Do You Over Come Credit Card Debt?   By: kirthy shetty
To stick to your budget and to stay with in your means may be a challenge to many and hence you see a lot of indebted cases of late. People go beyond their earnings and spend using their credit card.(read entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Assess Your Financial Situation Before You Arrive At A Debt Solution. Why?   By: kirthy shetty
Often ignoring your pending loans is not a solution to your financial quagmire. Remember, debt is something that can have you stuck for life time if it is not attended well.(read entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

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